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Everything posted by K D

  1. you stopped after i was saying how my father in law who was basically the nicest guy you would ever meet and never did anything wrong in his whole life became addicted to his pain pills by taking the prescribed amount? he had MS and had to take them. wasn't his fault, wasn't the doctor's fault. sorry if you didn't like my story but i watched it happen with my own eyes. i can name probably a dozen other people i've known personally that have gone through the same. my wife took pills for 2 days after her surgery and was absolutely terrified by how much her body physically demanded them so she stopped and won't take any ever again. these are just normal everyday people that are in pain and do what the doctor tells them. now just imagine a 20 something year old that is in pain all day every day from his job and the doctor says here take these they will make you feel better. game over.
  2. history. how many rookie coaches were successful their first time out? the percentage is very very very low even the great Belichick was basically run out of town in Cleveland
  3. you love that a rookie coach was given full control in his first job? not only is he coaching but apparently he's the GM. this guy was a position coach a few years ago. you have a lot of faith in people if someone with no experience excites you i'm not saying it won't work out but it's highly unlikely. i'm not as confident as you but like i said when they hired Rex, Marrone, Chan, Jauron, etc, etc...let's give them a shot and see how it goes
  4. this is 100% false. i've known plenty of normal everyday good people that became addicted to their pain pills by just taking the prescribed amount. you are completely misinformed if you think otherwise. i've seen it with my own eyes. their body craves it and they have physical withdrawals without it. throwing up, shaking, extreme pain. those types of symptoms then might lead to them abusing it but by then it's too late anyhow, they are already hooked
  5. the pain pills they give these players are way more harmful than weed. some of them are basically heroin in pill form
  6. I'd definitely trade Tyrod if he had any value. I don't think he does. A good season this year might help. He definitely won't be our QB in 2 yrs and maybe not even next year so if you can get something for him then by all means!
  7. That's pretty cool. I think I'd heard of that before but it's not mentioned enough for it to sink in. I like stats like that, thanks for the info *Edit* I did more research on this "rule" and it is highly innacurate. According to that EJ should be a Pro Bowler, he measured off the charts. Also Cam Newton only had 1 out of 3 (completion %) and was the best player in the NFL 2 yrs ago. I'd say that completion % is the most important of those factors and Peterman only barely makes the cut with 60%. Ideally you want to have 65% or better in college. Someone looking into the validity of the rule even said "Something to consider: As the college game has progressed and completion percentage averages have increased, it is possible the historical number SI used is outdated and the number is higher. Perhaps 62 or 64 percent." But all of this is just guessing anyways. I still think Peterman will be a career backup and I'll stand by that until proven otherwise
  8. can we get Bill Walsh to sign off on the Peterman pick too?
  9. you didn't even announce any picks. sounds like a wasted trip!
  10. Russ seems to be in the middle of a lot of what was going on according to the article. Where else do these leaks come from if not him. He is the problem with the Bills and we need to start a petition to get this guy out of there!
  11. That is a terrible list. QB's going 1-2-3 most likely. Cleveland, Jets, Bills passing on QB's in best QB class in the past few years? Not happening
  12. Watson will have a Vince Young/RG3 career where he will look amazing for about 2 seasons and then fall off the face of the earth. I think Mahomes is in a position to have the most longevity. Maybe he doesn't have the immediate success like Watson but he will have the best career. And yes we are going to look back and cry about how we could have drafted a franchise QB and traded it away (they weren't going to take him anyhow but we can only dream)
  13. Possibly but I see Darnold as the only sure thing (as sure as you can be about a guy coming out at least). I wanted him. I thought we should have tanked and also traded with Houston instead of KC. Having Houston's possibly top 10-15 pick instead of KC's 20-30 pick would have helped us move up a lot more. But we signed Tyrod and added enough pieces to get 6-8 wins which should have us picking around 10-12 as always. We could trade the 10 and 20 pick in the draft and still probably only get as high as 3-4. I don't know if they would be crazy enough to trade 3 firsts to try and get to 1-2 but you never know. I wouldn't, those types of trades never work
  14. Hundley wouldn't even be the starter at UCLA if he was still there but teams are going to give up a draft pick for him? Yea ok
  15. it won't. Browns going 2-14, 49ers going 3-13. they are both taking QB's. maybe we can trade up to get 3rd best before Jets but we certainly won't have our pick
  16. Oh god no. Are we are supposed to think he won't be doing the same for the Bills? This is terrible news
  17. the media loves NE and thinks everything they do is amazing. i'm not saying they aren't a good team but they got ridiculously lucky the past 2 super bowls and should have lost. those games were over. if not for the most crazy endings in super bowl history then they wouldn't have won a championship in over a decade. makes me sick to my stomach even thinking about them
  18. Always hopeful but if they just bit the bullet and tanked years ago we would already have a winner. I feel like we are putting lipstick on a pig. We aren't a good team and the longer we pretend like we are the farther away we get from actually rebuilding and getting there
  19. McD or Micky D's
  20. They contacted me and said I'm the only one on this forum that knows what they are talking about. I doubt any of you scrubs will get a shot
  21. There were rumblings that we haven't fully closed the door on Aaron Williams yet. He wants to play. He could come back on an incentivized prove it deal
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