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Everything posted by K D

  1. Has Gronkowski even played with the first team before? Why is he out there in pass protection?
  2. This might be Rex's last season as a coach. It's definitely Rob's. Maybe they will have a future in reality tv
  3. Preston Brown is the worst player on this team. Next worst is Duke Williams. How are these guys on the field?
  4. Here's the Bills equipment managers testing out Goodwin's special uniform for Sunday
  5. Hopefully he has a good game Sunday. Because that might be his last time on an NFL field after he trips on a blade of grass and is out for the season. Hes really good at 2 hand touch, hes just not built to play tackle football. He will be great in the 2020 Olympics though. Best of luck to him!
  6. He could probably be a HC some day if he wanted. Im not sure he's in it for the long haul though. Glad we got him though. I have a feeling our secondary, especially the safeties, will be much improved
  7. They still have Martellus Bennett? Then they are still fine. Now that's what I call depth
  8. I don't hate Belichick. He is clearly a benefactor of having the best QB in NFL history. I thought it was cool when Rex (with his XXXL Thurman jersey) was hanging out with him at the combine. Shows a mutual respect. I do hate Tom Brady. Every time he drops back to pass I want someone to hit him so hard his head falls off. Every time he lies about deflating footballs I want to stick a tire gauge in his ear to measure the psi of his brain. And I hate the Boston fans who worship him and think he can do no wrong. Once Brady is gone I will not fear Belichick. In fact, he would be smart to retire at the same time
  9. I posted that at 5am before I saw the shots he took in the pocket. Those are penalties and not what I was referring to. Running and lowering your shoulder and running guys over, you are going to take shots. That's my point. Cam and Tyrod take way too many hits. Cam actually seeks out contact. I don't feel bad for any plays where he is running and takes a hard hit. Hitting him in the pocket in the head is another thing all together
  10. Lots being made of Cam getting hit but there's lots of plays where he lowered his shoulder and brought it to them as well. If you want to be a runner and bring the boom then just realize that it goes both ways. Tyrod and Cam need to learn to slide. Only then will they be protected like other QB's
  11. This looks really good. A poor man's Hard Knocks. But the production value looks up to par. I can't believe it's a local thing. This could very well be like the Cardinals thing on Netflix. Looks great
  12. Sounds like a good pickup. I think Goodwin will be injured by week 4 so this gives us some depth
  13. no he lied and said he got a new phone. pretty easy to come up with an excuse like that for Dareus. especially since he's struggling with depression
  14. I just have common sense. Someone from my work calls me at the wrong number to come in and I don't and the boss gets mad and suspends me without pay for 4 days and I say actually you called the wrong number I submitted my new number a while back and he says ok fine then you are suspended 2 days without pay instead of 4. You would just accept that as truth and facts and not make money for 2 days when it was their fault? Riiight. Sounds like a little white lie he told to get a reduced suspension. Nothing that the Bills couldn't have done with Dareus. 2 vs 4 games is a huge deal
  15. Oh please. Bell changed his number and there's documented proof of that and the league messed up and called the wrong number and so Bell was suspended 2 games instead of 4? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. If he changed his number and they called the wrong number his suspension would be 0 games. It would take 2 seconds to come up with a similar excuse for Dareus and probably a lot more believable
  16. That's what they want you to think. The truth is out there...
  17. Why did we say he failed his physical? Wonder what the story is behind this. Were the Bills trying to stash him on IR or something shady and he said no so they cut him?
  18. Won't have to. We will be sufficiently bad on our own to get him with the 15th pick of round 2
  19. le'veon bell appealed the same suspension and got it reduced to 2 games
  20. Why didn't he appeal? Others have been successful in getting a missed test reduced
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