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Everything posted by K D

  1. i'm in. winner gets activated to the 53 man roster. i'm PRETTY SURE i could get more yards than Reggie Bush so put me in coach!
  2. he could have a huge impact in the PASSING GAME. he is being really under utilized in that respect. we need to get him 1 on 1 with a LB and he will run right by him. Thurman was so successful not because he was the best RB (Barry and Emmitt were better) but because he was involved in the passing game as well and led the league in yards from scrimmage on multiple occassions.
  3. Can they pay my mortgage for me? I have a lot of bills due but I keep checking this forum instead of working
  4. we are stuck with Clay for 2 more seasons so we just have to hope he stays healthy and that Tyrod can see him!
  5. the 2 worst teams in the league swapping bad players. for some reason i'm not interested
  6. repost from yesterday.
  7. LA narrowly edges out Buffalo once again! Good luck getting good wings and beer in California you hippies
  8. Doesn't take insider knowledge to see we have limited cap space and typically anyone still available is holding out for a big contract. We will wait until the dust settles and then throw out our low ball offers
  9. i doubt we will get any of these guys. we are looking for the bargain basement veterans at this point
  10. I wonder if that means no more Clayton calling in to WGR
  11. Flag football is fun to play but boring to watch
  12. He was lining up there at ota's but they have him penciled in as starter at RT and he said he's been splitting time there and he wants to see them compete for the job. If he's any good it shouldn't be much of a competition. Mills was probably the worst player on the team last year
  13. From what Juan Castillo said it sounds like they want Dion at RT but he said right now he is splitting time with Mills because of "how well Jordan is playing." Translation: Dion needs to do better in camp to separate himself because Mills is terrible
  14. Spoiler alert: McDermott will make some bad calls, Tyrod will be up and down, Sammy and Shady will miss some playing time.
  15. So did we decide how many 1st round picks we used on Sammy yet?
  16. Good thing he got his QB coach and not his modeling coach
  17. Patriots fans are joking that Bills are their farm club
  18. yes and people wonder why i drink. i try to block out the 2000's otherwise i would just be depressed every day
  19. Because he doesn't want to play here, why else would they be shopping him. I'm not in favor of franchise tagging someone who doesn't want to be here
  20. Why not trade him? Are we going to the super bowl or something? He's not coming back next year so get something for him. Once he becomes a free agent then teams will be battling it out to sign him. If a team wants him this year on his rookie deal then they would be smart to get him now rather than compete with every team in the league trying to sign him next year.
  21. I remember when the hype for Jeff Tuel was real around here too. He was 1 bad pass vs KC away from being our starter. Now he works at Dairy Queen presumably
  22. Yes TRADE HIM! He's not coming back (willingly) so get SOMETHING for him, if there's a team dumb enough to give up that much for him that is (doubt it, nobody is dumb enough to trade a 1st for a WR except Whaley). Sammy is a great player but he can't stay on the field and he doesn't want to be here. How can you blame him? With a good QB he's a pro bowler, with Tom Brady he's a hall of famer in his mind. How annoying would it be if you and a bunch of buddies started a job at the same time and you knew you were the best but for whatever reason they kept getting praises and accolades and moving up the ladder and you were just stuck in a rut? I'd transfer and start fresh with a new team too. For many reasons, and some out of his and our hands, it's just not working out here. But y'all keep working your little jobs!
  23. Translation: this place isn't a complete dump like I thought, sometimes I even stay here on the weekends. It's "like home" as long as you are paying me millions of dollars to be here otherwise peace out
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