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Everything posted by K D

  1. Interested to see what the Anthony Lynn rushing attack looks like. I fully expect us to be able to run the ball today. Problem is we will be down by so many points that we will have to abandon it and start passing
  2. Cops go after innocent people and shoot them for no reason? Every one of these were either a criminal evading police, attacking police, or giving the cops a reason to fear for their life. Cops don't just shoot people for the fun of it. If you don't want to get shot don't break the law and don't give any cop a reason to think you want to harm them. Hands up, lay on the ground, keep your mouth shut. I've been pulled over dozens of times and I havent been shot once
  3. Tyrod is listed at 6'1" but I doubt he's even 6 foot. He can't see over the middle. I'm 6'1" and I couldn't from under center in high school most of the time. The trick was to get outside the pocket. From there you have a better view. Get Tyrod on the edge with some roll outs and watch how dangerous he can be
  4. The joke will be on us when both Brissett and Edleman outplay what Tyrod has done this season
  5. BLM as long as it's cops shooting them. But apparently they can shoot each other all day long and it's not an issue. Gang violence and drive by's every day and no protests over that. Not sure how any of this has to do with race because a lot of the cops shooting people are black themselves. But it's all the white man's fault is what their message is apparently. I'm sick of the topic personally. Let's get back to deflating footballs
  6. I'm guessing the Peguals are going to try and get their football czar in place and that person will name their own GM. Whaley is toast. He failed to address any of the needs of this team in the offseason which is a big reason why we are in the situation we are
  7. Too bad we can't put Tyrod's skill in EJ's body. Cam Newton is EJ's size and he is able to run without getting hurt but I don't think Tyrod would be able to take that kind of beating and stay healthy. His running gets him out of trouble but he needs to progress as a pocket passer if he's going to have any kind of success in this league
  8. And they know this because?? He has called as many NFL plays as I have so who knows what's going to happen
  9. Whatever superstitions they have they better stop because it ain't working This did get me thinking though... Have we had Flutie back since we benched him for the music city miracle game? I feel like we need to make that right for the curse to be lifted.
  10. I think it would be funny to have Manuel be the slot receiver and then every play he tries to draw the defense offsides. That could be our whole offense
  11. Roman always scripted his first drive. Unfortunately the script read run, run, pass, punt
  12. Does he still have the AK47 he said he was going to use on that bouncer?
  13. After giving up 500 yards passing, Rex will blame our offense for only putting up 35 points
  14. I'd be owner/president/gm/coach and I'd win the super bowl
  15. Pettine as DC so we dont have to change the personnel yet again. Would be an easy transition. As for HC/OC I like McDaniels or Art Briles if we wanna get crazy
  16. It's a former RB calling the plays. The plays will be run, run, run, punt instead of run, run, pass, punt. See the difference?
  17. Roman was the only non Rex guy on the team. Hes not going to fire his brother or one of his croanies. Now he's fully pregnant like he wanted. Unfortunately for him he's out of people to blame so what happens when we finish the season 6-10? Do we really subject ourselves to another year of this mess?
  18. I was right about Shady. That should be the title of the thread. I've been literally right about everything and have been getting crap for the past 2 years for it. Shady as a ground and pound RB? He weighs like 200 pounds and costs a small fortune. You can get a guy in the 3rd or 4th round these days that's better suited for the workhorse role. You need a nice 230 pound guy like what we are going to see next week from Arizona
  19. Rex makes $5 mil per year and is able to hire all of his friends and family. What a gig. I'm guessing next year he promotes his son as special teams coordinator based on his vast experience as the kick holder at Clemson
  20. He was actually fine after the play but as he was crawling back to the sideline he hit his head on Rob's gut and it knocked him unconscious
  21. Cowher would be an amazing hire but not sure he has it left in him anymore. Hes been away from the game so long. Anyone would be an upgrade over Rex at this point
  22. And why wouldn't he? Ruining our defense and hiring all of his croanies and taking a once promising team into the dumpster
  23. They fired the wrong coach. Rex is next after Arizona throws for 400 yards on us next week
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