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Everything posted by K D

  1. And nobody cares. His best shot is the CFL at this point
  2. We need the crew from last week every week. Very fair I felt
  3. We want to be underdogs. Nobody picked us the last 2 weeks. Don't want to get complacent or think we have won anything. It's only week 5. The next few weeks are your classic trap game scenarios. Easy to look ahead to next Pats game as the big one. Hope the players stay hungry and the return of Dareus gives them a lift
  4. You are missing the point. The point is let's see how we do against Pitt, Seattle, Cinci, Pats with Brady before we start talking like we are now a good team. Looking at the schedule it still looks like an 8-8 season to me
  5. Shaq Lawson will not start when Lorax is averaging 1 sack per game. Dareus will make a big impact. If he and Kyle are playing at a high level then watch out
  6. They were without their best player. We were without our 2 best players. I don't want to hear that whoop dee doo they had their 3rd string QB in when everyone knew it was going to be an injured backup playing either way and they still picked the Pats to win. We deserve some credit. Our defense owned them and our offense owned them for 1 half and moved the ball well enough in the 2nd to hold on. Bills won that game handily and it wasn't even as close as the score suggests
  7. I'm not so sure that beating a 1-3 Arizona team and NE's 3rd string QB makes us a 10 win team all of a sudden. We have 3 very winnable games ahead of us then the tough part of our schedule begins. Still looks like an 8-8 season to me
  8. In April. This is October. Should have had regular checkups since then and should not have been on field in training camp if he was still in pain.
  9. Why not try him at WR? And what about all this being in the backfield with Shady and both run patterns in the flat to match up with LB's who can't cover them? Seems like a waste to not even try.
  10. I wonder if we will be saying the same thing about Gilmore after he leaves.
  11. You don't need a medical degree to know that a broken bone in your foot in April shouldn't put you on IR in October. If he was hurt he needed to rehab, not be out there in training camp limping around
  12. I would think so. They need him if even just as depth. Just say Justin run straight and we will throw it high and you go get it
  13. Our doctors are clearly incompetent so it will be good to see a specialist. Should have done this months ago
  14. Tyrod better throw the ball. Stop second guessing it and holding it too long. Anticipate the throw and let it rip. He will have 2 seconds to throw today
  15. Jimmy Gelato is starting. I heard it from my buddy Slippery Sal at the race track. I'm preeeeeetty sure
  16. You want something real depressing do the QB list. Or the running back list to see how we have completely overvalued that position
  17. The goal should be to hit Jimmy hard and drive him into the ground a few times on that shoulder. I have ac joint impingement and it tightens up and you lose mobility. Forget the pain, once it gets tight you can't even move the arm in a throwing motion due to lack of mobility Take away the short throws and make him throw it far. He won't be able to
  18. My complaint is the complete mismanagement of the injury. If it was that bad then why was he at training camp and playing (limited) in the preseason? Should have been rehabbing not aggravating it more.
  19. Get someone to follow him around and keep him out of trouble. Like what Dallas did with Dez and Pacman
  20. Because I love the team so much is why I come here. At the same time I don't agree with most of what they have been doing. A lot of times it seems my opinions are of the minority but I think a lot of the people that feel like I do have already given up on this team and don't post. I think we finally have ownership stability and they are willing to do what it takes to win, not just eek by. We have been a second class organization for far too long. Time for some changes
  21. This is the unfortunate situation we are in. There are the vast majority on this board that seem to live in dream land where this team is great and can do no wrong and maybe just maybe they might make a wild card some day. Then there's the extreme minority that live in reality and see a franchise that hasn't made the playoffs in 16 going on 17 years and do the same dumb things over and over again. I don't want to maybe make the wild card some day, I want to win the super bowl. Just because my opinion isn't the majority doesn't mean it's immediately wrong and shouldn't be considered.
  22. Sorry this one is over your head. Go back to sleep. Has nothing to do with the thread and everything to do with the failures of this franchise
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