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Everything posted by K D

  1. Can we switch stadiums? Wouldn't our design be more fitting for the Browns?
  2. "the graph is starting to look like Kamala's legs" ๐Ÿ˜‚
  3. My wife is harder to get into than a Democratic National Convention. Background checks, ID, and a lot of money. I've dated girls that were easier to get into than the US border. Just download the app and promise to show up again at a later date.
  4. Would you consider JD a handsome man? What do you think of his detractors making fun of his guy liner? Haters gonna hate!
  5. So your argument is we need illegals so companies can take advantage of them and pay them below min wage off the books with no benefits and they can continue to live in poverty? Dang that's pretty ruthless. I like making money but I'd feel like a piece of crap if I treated an employee like that
  6. Is there like a meeting where they choose the new leader and they are all sitting around a table and they are like I think you would be good and they are like nahh I'm not really the leadership type but maybe you should do it ๐Ÿ˜‚
  7. Religious people suck. Religion is awesome. People ruin it like they ruin everything.
  8. Every time you guys post something stupid like this it makes it hard to take you seriously. Trump just did this podcast this morning and hasn't taken a day off in months. He is doing interviews and appearances every single day.
  9. They didn't sign this guy to play, they signed this guy to push TBass to get better. Why would they sign someone who is likely worse other than to give him some kind of competition and confidence? They know they have to keep Bass because of the contract. They are doing a psyop
  10. It's pretty obvious that the agencies reporting these numbers have become politically compromised. They put Dems in charge and give them their marching orders. Have you ever been to a government office that wasn't run by liberals? Trump promised to drain the swamp but I don't think he understood how deep it all goes but I'm hoping they will do a better job this time around. If he puts Elon in charge of government efficiency then he will straighten a lot of it out and fire all of these useless and compromised people. The government was always meant to be small and it's gotten out of control
  11. If you really think that you should put your money where your mouth is. She is waaaaay down in the betting market. You could make a lot of money if she won. Seems like a no brainer if you are so sure about it
  12. I'm guessing he will go back to the Jets
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