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Everything posted by K D

  1. You can choose to not fly it, that's your freedom of choice, but don't disrespect it
  2. I need something. I'm always tired. Maybe I should run for president 😂
  3. In his basement until the next time they pump him full of vitamins enough to last through 30 min of reading a teleprompter
  4. I hope the janitor kicked their @$$
  5. Better start pumping Biden with vitamins again
  6. Who knew "Weekend at Bernie's" was a political documentary!
  7. Pro American is anti- communist and anti-globalization. Vote against the party that is currently in charge. Maybe next time that means voting Democrat who knows.
  8. They need their emotional support dog with them because they are unhinged
  9. So you want all of the billionaires to leave and move to the Bahamas or another tax haven and take their jobs and tax dollars with them? What's the plan?
  10. Breaking News: bad guys have guns! Story at...never...they won't report that on the news
  11. I hope they do get some food because the longer they stay in there the more likely we get to see the police eventually go in to kick them out and I'm looking forward to that video!
  12. I wouldn't even be surprised if the DOJ showed up in Florida with a truck full of documents at this point. Pure criminals working behind the scenes
  13. Imagine anyone in 2024 being on the side of the government knowing what we know now about this US funded lab created virus. What a scam
  14. I thought a pump and dump is what he did with Stormy Daniels?
  15. Unions have historically been Democrat which is no longer the case because Democrats support the non-working class not the working class anymore
  16. Protests for peace that are not peaceful protests. That's rich
  17. Same could be said for the other side. What would stop these mindless idiots from voting Democrat? Endless wars? Open borders? Sky high inflation? A lot of stupid sheep 🐑
  18. I would absolutely defend that flag with my life. This should anger all americans
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