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Everything posted by K D

  1. Goodwin is terrible. Not saying that was his fault but he's bad
  2. This will be the close game we lose where we were winning the whole time and lost at the end and then miss the playoffs by 1 game
  3. Bills seem to be in a prevent defense with a 3 point lead
  4. Can our corners be off any farther? Maybe back up another 10 yards just in case
  5. 2 quick TD's then we must have gone sightseeing because I haven't seen any football since
  6. Not an excuse. If Chad gets hit late at the next game are we going to see his brother or Jimbo rushing the field on national TV?
  7. Crazy, but that's how it goes. Millions of people are living as foes. But maybe it's not too late. We can learn how to love and forget how to hate.
  8. Josh Gordon is suspended indefinitely. Not sure how this helps us in any way
  9. They are still running Greg Roman plays. Hes good at designing them, just not good at calling them it would seem. We are enjoying early success with Lynn but how long is it sustainable? The big thing he has going for him now is unpredictably. And even if we have continued success this year, what happens next year if he wants to put in his own offense? Too early to say how this will turn out
  10. There were 20 other players involved and I don't see their parents/siblings rushing the field looking to fight. Maybe they are just a bunch of wimps. Or maybe it's wrong for an adult to try and fight kids. Hmmmm
  11. Another team with 10 days to prepare for us. Oh joy! I'm scared of what Kap can do vs us in that offense so I hope he doesn't start. Hughes, as good as he is, always gets sucked inside and loses contain and I can see them attacking us at the edges rather than mess with Kyle and Dareus up the middle
  12. If anyone sees Karlos at the buffet this weekend you have my permission to smack the fork out of his hand
  13. Not only did Polian build 2 dynasties, but he did it THE RIGHT WAY with quality character guys. He wouldn't have gone for the knuckleheads Whaley seems to be ok with and then we pay for it when they get suspended
  14. Hopefully Karlos isn't at Five Guys in the meantime thinking the Bills aren't going to call. We might need him
  15. I'm telling you, get one from China. Rub some dirt on it and scribble on it with a marker and say it's game used and autographed :-)
  16. I agree with the excuses the Pats are using. I just don't want to give them a pass because they knew before the game that either way they didn't have Brady and nobody even gave us a chance. The Cardinals just aren't a good football team this year. No excuses there
  17. Goodwin can only go deep and Hunter can only go high. Can we put the same jersey on both guys so they don't know who is who and what pattern they are about to run? Hoping we can get him involved in other spots besides jump balls and red zone but apparently he has been super inconsistent as a true wr
  18. I said this when we hired Rex. Dareus was probably worth A LOT more back then. Get a legit 3-4 NT and trade Dareus and his stupid contract asap. Hes 1 bong hit away from being suspended for the 2017 season
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