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Everything posted by K D

  1. I feel sick to my stomach watching this. What a let down it would be to lose this game when we had a chance to play NE at home for 1st place
  2. Glad they made the necessary changes at halftime Looks like the same
  3. RUN THE FOOTBALL and also STOP THE RUN. If you said going into this game the winner would be the team that could run the ball better you would have liked our chances
  4. I said that when they drafted him and people went nuts on me. 4 yrs later and he's still terrible. Who is giving this guy a paycheck?
  5. We need to run the football! Put Gilleslee in if McCoy isnt up to it
  6. He looked like he had his leash on there on first drive. We need to get some pressure on the QB today
  7. Hes going to have 100 yards rushing in the first half
  8. Where was the backup plane? Kim is cheap No depth when it comes to airplanes or WR. Whaley is as good as gone
  9. Phil Simms with the hot take. Where's the fire emoji?
  10. Who is our top 3? What are Greg Salas' stats? Dude is a glorified practice squad player. How can you disagree that we don't and never have had a 3rd WR let alone any quality depth? They failed to replace Harvin, they knew Watkins was hurt going in, Woods isn't that good. Injuries are just exposing what was already an issue going into the season
  11. Everyone on our team was either born in Florida, went to Florida state, or played for the Fins. Our owner lives in Florida. I think it's a conspiracy
  12. Dareus really has no reason to play. He smokes weed, pulls a hammy, makes millions while partying on the sideline in his tank top. Sounds like an amazing life! I wish i had a job like that
  13. Hopefully that means they will use him. We need him to make some catches
  14. WR was the biggest issue with this team last offseason and it wasn't addressed. Bringing in a crew of castoffs to battle it out in training camp rather than try and get a legit guy has certainly backfired on us. Sammy is talented but was hurt so they should have been prepared. Woods is a #3. Hunter is a project/situational redzone guy. The rest of the guys should not be in the NFL. Hopefully we don't need to pass this week but imo we are in trouble vs the Pats
  15. I actually never gave my opinion just stating what happened with me and how things are different now. My story is the same as many that played. Im not judging them, certainly not a knock on anyone in particular. It's the new norm. Guys have boo boos and take a week or two off. If you sat out of a game with a tight hamstring in my experience you would have been laughed off the field. I played baseball against lots of pros, guys that are in the majors now. Because they are slightly better athletes does that make them super heroes or something? They seemed pretty human to me. But hey if you are getting paid either way then why not sit out? I've just personally never come across so many hamstring and foot issues. If its broke then fix it (surgery). If it's not then it was always my experience that you play. If I'm allowed to give my opinion now then it is that I'm glad Shady isnt playing in hopes that he will be fully ready for next week. I feel like Dareus is being a big (fat) baby. Sammy I feel like he didn't like that he wasn't 100% but at the end of the day the team made the call to IR him so it's on them. I replied with my exp because I understand what the OP is talking about. Football used to be a man's game and guys played through these types of injuries. Things are clearly different now, good or bad
  16. With the hamstring specifically it's an imbalance between the quads and the hammy. Most guys run sprints and do squats to get strong quads. How many run backwards and do GHD work to build strong hamstrings? If your hammy is tight it could be for a lot of reasons and stretching it will not help. Could even make it worse if there is an imbalance
  17. The wussification of America is a much larger issue. Google for many examples of a very real problem
  18. Even last year's Bills were able to sack Tannehill. The real question is who doesn't get a sack Sunday?
  19. I never said it was right or wrong. I said it's different now than it was then. Just stating a fact. No ignorance here my friend. If anything Im on the side of being cautious. My kids won't play football because of how I was treated. I don't trust coaches to do the right thing. I was knocked unconscious and my teammates picked me up and helped me to the sideline and then I was back in the next series. It wasn't even a thought that maybe I should take some plays off. You were expected to play through pain. So when they say a player has a bad boo boo on their foot and can't play I have to laugh
  20. This is going to be a bigger issue than Shady not playing. Robert Woods is the only NFL caliber starting receiver we currently have on the active roster. I'm really not sure who Tyrod is supposed to throw to. Hopefully he won't need to
  21. To disagree is fine. You probably never played so you don't understand. To say it's the worst post in history means you must not have been around here very long. There is a difference between injured and hurt which is something you don't seem to understand. Injured would be a broken bone or torn muscle and the likely end result is surgery. Hurt is oww my hamstring hurts I'm only going to be at 85%. Getting hurt and playing through it is part of the game. Players at all levels have done it. What's next? Boxers that can't fight because they got hit in the head? I'm just stating a fact on how things used to be. They are different now. It is what it is. I've never seen so many football players on the sidelines because their hamstring is sore or their foot hurts.
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