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Everything posted by K D

  1. He will probably take over for Ed Reed eventually if Rex doesn't get canned. I have a feeling Ed Reed might not want to stick around long term
  2. Seattle isn't that great. If our defense turns it around and plays dominant it could be a low scoring game where the teams trade FG's and it comes down to the end. If it wasn't in seattle then we might have a real good chance. But flying there on a Monday night on the west coast and playing a game in that stadium is going to be tough. If it was 1pm at the Ralph then that would be another thing
  3. We are a 2nd rate organization. We just keep spinning our wheels but never making any progress. It's going to take big changes to get where we want to be. It starts at the top. We have very wealthy owners but they might be in over their heads trying to turn around 2 mediocre franchises. What they really need is someone to run the football operations and just take over and clean house. We need a GM who knows how to build championship teams. We need a coach that has a vision not just a big mouth. We need a QB. But it all starts from the top and the Pegulas and Russ Brandon don't know what they are doing so get someone in here that does
  4. You sign the big contract and you are going to be criticized when you don't live up to it. A-Rod was one of the best baseball players of all time (steroids aside) and he was the most criticized player I've ever seen in my life. The reason being was he signed that ridiculously huge contract that he could never live up to. Bryce Harper looks to be next. Dareus as a $100 million man is held to a higher standard and when he doesn't perform hes going to be criticized. It's sports. Welcome.
  5. Haha that sounds like criticism someone might say about the Pats. They only won 1 superbowl in the past 11 years but that's hardly a drought because they are right there every year just like the Yanks have been besides this year
  6. Yankees have 27 world series championships
  7. Landry is toast. He would be smart to not even get on the plane to Buffalo
  8. No salary cap in baseball. A lot easier to get the players you want
  9. We will never win with a mediocre QB. We might sneak into the playoffs one of these years but let's get serious, we will never be a contender. You are nothing in football without a QB much like how you are nothing in baseball without pitchers. The Cubs won with great pitching. Cleveland won in basketball with one of the best players of all time. We have nothing we are still a loooong ways off
  10. Don't have much of a choice. I can't stand Jeremy White so that ruins the morning show and I can't even believe that Schopp still has a job so there goes the afternoon. It's either Murph who is going to always spin it in a positive light or the late show with some kid that they probably don't even realize is going on the air at night. Of those options, Murph is still the best. Donald Jones is meh. Of all the former Bills I could list probably 1000 players I'd rather they get than Donald Jones who I don't even remember playing for us
  11. Who is picking us? Especially with no Shady. I'm surprised anyone would. At least we have a better shot than last week though. Last week was a 0% chance of winning. This week I'd give us a 10% chance.
  12. It's been the same thing for almost 20 years. Pick any year and you will get the same thing
  13. Surprised they didn't go with Ihedigbo. Former Jets guy probably knows the system well enough. I'm not going to pretend I know much about Sergio Brown but it sounds like he's a good athlete and physical specimen who is going to look good at a tryout but sounds like he hasn't been much of a player on the field and doesn't know the plays like Ihedigbo would. Not expecting much. Waiting for Ed Reed to say F THIS these guys are terrible and just suit up himself
  14. Too bad Stevie got hurt in SD. They could have collected the whole set. We are trying to be the 2010 Jets defense and they are trying to be the 2010 Bills offense. And the Pats keep killing both of us. And around and around we go
  15. Would love to know the details behind this. What would make a coach up and quit out of nowhere?
  16. We are a .500 team. We can be plus or minus 1 game. It's been the same for almost 20 years. Shouldn't be a surprise to anyone
  17. Rumor is he deleted all pics and anything connecting him to the Bills from his social media. Sounds like something you do when you break up with someone. Hes not happy. Not sure how that will translate on the field
  18. Apparently everyone because people are calling for Tyrod to be benched and the front office to be fired. Yesterday went exactly as I expected. Get mad over the Miami game, not yesterday's. Get mad about NY and Baltimore. We lose to the good teams but we have to beat the bad teams
  19. Ed Reed needs to just quit messing around a suit up. Hes the best safety we have on this team
  20. They scored 41 on us pretty easily. Not sure how any of that is McCoy or Tyrod's fault
  21. We need to build that wall so we can keep all of these foreigners out. Coming to our country and stealing our seats. Unbelievable!
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