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Everything posted by K D

  1. Ok well we don't have Lombardi so we are in trouble. The pieces we have now will never get it done
  2. Mills doing his best impression of a turnstyle. At least give Tyrod a lookout block. Turn around and yell "LOOK OUT!!!"
  3. If the head of officiating is live tweeting that they are wrong wouldn't it make sense that a call comes down to the officials saying you are wrong and to fix it? They have telephones, seems like an obvious thing to do
  4. I think you need to. You seem to have long term memory loss. We took the lead with like 4 minutes left in that game. Tyrod has never led a game winning 2 min drill. Hes not capable
  5. It was the end of the half. Nothing changes if they make it except 3 more points on the score board. Refs literally took 3 points off the board and we lose by 6 with the ball at the 7. Yea id say that cost us the game
  6. Extra 3 points on the board means FG ties the game and we go to OT worst case. It also changes play calling on other drives where maybe we would have settled for a FG. So yes they cost us the game. Shouldn't have mattered if Tyrod knew how to finish which he has literally never done
  7. I think being the only kicker makes him just as valuable as a QB on that play. If he was really hurt we would have been screwed. Refs need to protect the kicker at all costs
  8. I was sick too while watching him and Blanton and Gilmore
  9. You are taught to take the ball off the kickers foot. The kicker had not kicked the ball yet so the ball is on the ground. He reached for the ball on the ground which made his body hit the kicker. Unfortunately for him that should be 15 yards for us
  10. Winning teams have a winning mentality. Positivity breeds positive results. Great players seem to have this extra gear and focus in crunch time where they know they are going to win. Montana had it, Elway had it. The Bills do not have this. Tyrod can have the best game of his career but when given 3 plays in a row inside the 10 can't get it done. It's not something you can teach. You either have it or you don't.
  11. The rule says the defender can defend themselves once the QB rolls out and the receiver becomes a blocker. However on this play Powell is defenseless and Sherman is the one initiating the contact. Not to mention Tyrod is still in the pocket. Should be a penalty Additionally, Woods is shoved in the end zone pushing him 5 yards forward and off his route. No call there either.
  12. no that doesn't mean you can tackle a receiver. That means you can lower your shoulder and hit him to defend yourself which is what they are saying happened. Unfortunately, it appears Sherman was the one initiating the contact on a defenseless receiver. Should have been a penalty
  13. Anyone going to mention the Jimmy Graham fake tackle? Not wanting to get hurt, Gilmore ducked. We all saw the rest. This is how Gilmore has been "tackling" this year for fear of getting hurt and ruining his chance at a big contract. Hes a liability on the field. Should have traded him
  14. Walt Anderson says the hit didn't warrant a penalty. Yet the hit was so bad that it knocked our kicker out of the game. Duh. Then as for them standing over the ball and not bumping the play clock: "oh that was probably my fault." Gee, you think?????
  15. Good news is we won't lose next week! Still mathematically in this thing for a little while longer
  16. Meaningless if you can't get it done at the end. He never has. Sorry but there's no asterisk saying Bills lose BUT Tyrod played pretty good besides the final few plays. QB's need to get it done in crunch time and he has been proven incapable of doing so in this league
  17. Tyrod can't do it at the end of the game. I'm done with him
  18. Offense needs to hurry up took 30 seconds to run 2 plays
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