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Everything posted by K D

  1. If you go by stats alone, he wasn't very good. But much like Tebow he just knew how to win. That's something you can't measure. The issue was he wasn't Jim Kelly, he was short, old, wasn't the future. We were spoiled in those days and we expected Super Bowl or bust. Rob Johnson was Ralph's shiny new toy and was more or less forced on the coaches. Poor Wade. Doug never had the chance he deserved here imo and like you said went on for many years after in San Diego and New England. His couple of seasons in Buffalo were a blur and there was probably a lot of love lost by they way he was forced out
  2. He should still be castrated. He needs to chill out. Smart guy but a lot of anger. Not everyone is out to get you Sherm. But if you want enemies then keep acting like a jerk and you really will have some
  3. For context: http://www.cleveland.com/osu/index.ssf/2015/08/cardale_jones_and_tyvis_powell.html
  4. What if there is a reality where Trump is our owner and Pegula is president? But we would still lose to the Pats in all worlds
  5. You must not be up on what has been said about him. Rodney Harrison said Colin Kaepernick is not black. The black community are the ones that say whether people are black enough. I agree, it's a joke. People are people and this country will eventually be all people of mixed races so we need to stop labeling each other imo. Trying to figure out do I fit in here or do I fit in there is nonsense. We are all American last I checked.
  6. Put on your tinfoil hats...It almost seems like he is doing this for "street cred." He is mixed race, raised by a white suburban family, "does not look African american," has a Muslim girlfriend. If he wanted to fit in with his teammates and his community then becoming a black civil rights activist is a good way to get attention. Not to mention he was fading away into obscurity as a backup and now his jersey sales are near the top. He has a lot to gain personally. Disclaimer: This is just a crazy conspiracy theory so I don't want to offend anybody and police brutality is a real issue to which I hope we can find a solution.
  7. He was high fiving and chatting up Sherman after the game, so no. Would have liked to see SOMEONE stand up for their team. Nothing dirty but call a sweep that way and have some pulling linemen put a good block on him
  8. This is getting ridiculous. Racist to tell someone you are going to castrate them? Just stop America
  9. I don't think it was Rex's idea. He was busy yelling at the refs. Looked like someone alerted him to it. He was talking with Danny Crossman at the time
  10. STRAYhawks? SCAMhawks? There's no way that's true. The fully inflated balls are as hard as a rock. Try and kick a fully inflated ball and then try and kick one with some air taken out. It will be like a kickball and go flying. That's why you see kickers try and smoosh the ball before kicking off, so it's not completely stiff
  11. Hopefully Sherman jumps offsides and nails Brady and they only get hit with a 5 yard penalty and Brady's head falls off
  12. Castrating Richard Sherman is the only way
  13. Yep! When he does escape it sure is fun to watch but many times its completely unnecessary. Throw the ball and you won't be under that kind of pressure.
  14. Can you believe he's the oldest coach in the NFL? He looks like one of the younger guys. Good for him!
  15. Wasn't a Rex guy. Between fat Rob and Ed Reed and fake DC Thurman there wasn't a spot for him. We successfully dismantled a top 3 defense of a few years ago and we have Rex to blame for that
  16. Penalties got us in position. He didn't know what to do after that. Some guys just don't have it. We need to stop making excuses for him
  17. Was just going to post this. Have you ever in your life seen someone hang on to the ball as long as Tyrod? Not even in backyard football! It's exciting to watch but no line is going to hold up to that
  18. Tyrod had a good game, yes. But once we fell behind the game was over. Put 2 min on the clock and say Tyrod we need a TD to win and you might as well change the channel because it's not happening. Ball with the game on the line vs Ravens, Dolphins, Seahawks. Score and you win. I'll take those odds with Brady, Rothlesberger, heck even Eli. Not with Tyrod. Game over
  19. I've never been a fire Rex kind of guy but the plan was to have a solid defense and good running offense and win low scoring games. If the defense is going to give up 30+ then we have no shot. Our defensive backs look like garbage and the main reason is they are in man coverage and continuosly getting beat. That's Rex's fault. Our secondary has transformed into the 2015 Saints and Rob has to have some of the blame for that as well. So basically if we don't have the defense Rex promised us then we will not win.
  20. We were always called the 12th man in the 80-90's. Its on the wall of fame. When did they start calling the Seattle fans that? I thought they were called the 12's because they started following the team is 2012
  21. Best safety on the team is the d-back coach. Suit up!
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