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Everything posted by K D

  1. A lot of my views fall under the "I don't care" category but they would have made me left wing as early as 10 years ago. Marry a dude if you want, chop off your weeny, smoke weed, whatever as long as you are an adult and you work hard and pay your taxes and what you are doing doesn't effect me or my family. But if you give an inch they take a mile. I was for equality but now they are telling everyone they are racist and they don't want equality they want equity. They are pushing homosexuality and trans thinking onto young elementary school kids. They want to legalize all drugs and use tax payer money to provide safe spaces to do drugs. Not to mention they want to take our guns and have no border or voter registration. They went too far sorry. Maybe in the future I could vote for a Dem if it went too far the other way but right now all of media, celebrities, and corporations are leaning left so I have to go right. They blew it
  2. I used to be more "liberal" (not Democrat though) when I was younger. The older I get the more conservative seemingly, although my views haven't changed much but the Dems have gone off the deep end
  3. They are saying death to america and trying to tear down the flag. I'm guessing they really do hate America
  4. He pulled out from Afghanistan? That's news to me. I distinctly remember Biden doing that and leaving all of our weapons and Americans on the ground. Is this true?
  5. And some people might think being retired baking in the sun on the beach is a waste. But to each their own! Do what makes you happy I say 😄
  6. I went to a technology school. This seems to be a trend for liberal arts majors And Ivy League specifically as well. The biggest brats of them all.
  7. This times infinity! I can't get enough of it I didn't go to a good enough school apparently 😆
  8. He already has $10 billion. What's he going to do with another $10 billion? You can't spend that much in a lifetime and he's an old man. I'm guessing owning the team brings him a lot of joy and notoriety. I know a lot of people who own businesses that could sell and retire but then nobody will know or care who they are so they sit in their office and just enjoy being the "big guy." There's definitely more to life than money, especially if you already have enough
  9. Somehow the terrorist occupiers using guns will lead to another call to ban guns
  10. Fauci needs to be in jail. Someone has to take the fall for this and he's the most visible
  11. Them - "I'm a Democratic socialist" Anyone with a brain - "Oh so you are a communist!"
  12. So we shouldn't try to avoid war if possible? That doesn't make any sense
  13. Remember when Obama said marriage is between a man and a woman while being married to a manly man the entire time?
  14. Columbia loves it and they are only pushing back because donors are pulling funding. The kids don't know any better, they are all indoctrinated to hate their country already at this point
  15. Diplomacy is the key, not passing more and more funding for more and more bombs
  16. Sounds good, I hope that's true!
  17. Surely you can understand that there are casualties on both ends. Because someone is Russian doesn't make their life any more meaningless or insignificant
  18. People need to go to jail over this
  19. Lots of "refugees" that are only men with prior convictions 🤔
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