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Everything posted by K D

  1. With Bush and Harvin we might have been a good team 5 years ago. Once you lose a step in the NFL it's over. Too many young talented guys that are fresh to take your spot
  2. Hes protesting the protesters that are protesting the protests. Or maybe he just accidentally put it on upside down because, you know, who cares?
  3. If Nugent can't make xp's then how is he going to hit the game winning FG?
  4. Get Goodwin off the field. Justin Hunter has got to be better
  5. Goodwin is a piece of crap. 150 pounds and the defender just bench pressed him into Tyrod's head
  6. Was Gilmore really just tackled by a guy on his back with 1 finger? Wtf????
  7. Hes a long jumper not a football player. Give him a break
  8. Whoever keeps putting Goodwin on this roster should be fired. Whaley is to blame it would seem.
  9. We are lucky Green is not playing. He would be owning our guys. They can't even cover rookies
  10. Hughes gave them 20 yards and got faked out by Dalton. Gave them 7 points
  11. A lot of competitive players aren't well liked. Koby, Jordan, A-Rod come to mind. Their competitiveness makes them great players but maybe not such great people. Favre seemed like that too. I know he was like that with Rodgers at least.
  12. Take away the fact he was kicked out of high school, kicked out of Clemson, fighting bouncers and terroristic threats, trying to fight high schoolers, and now smoking weed... Even without all that he's not and never was NFL material. You can get by in college on talent alone. Doesn't work like that in the NFL. Tons of way more talented players have tried and failed. Ryan Leaf, Jemarcus Russel, Johnny Manziel. The list goes on and on. You need to have focus, dedication, intelligence, leadership, poise. Hes as dumb as a rock, he has no chance. He might get a shot as a UDFAbut his best chance is in Canada
  13. Bledsoe took his team to a super bowl. What has Romo ever done? I would say they have pretty similar careers with Bledsoe having more success.
  14. Yep when the trainers won that award last year it was actually for most pulled muscles in the history of sports. Stretching is overrated anyhow
  15. Who doesn't have a groin or hamstring issue on this team?
  16. Tyrod is not our guy but I don't think Romo is much of an upgrade. He might be good enough to get us to the playoffs but then one and done isn't much better than where we are at now. It's not like he's some sure thing. How many championships did he give the Cowboys when he was in his prime? Now he's old with a broken back. No thanks
  17. I used to think that. Out of college I had an entry level job and I was like man I should be running this joint, if they paid me what I'm worth I would work so much harder. Fast forward to today and I make triple and I'll admit that I probably do half the work. It's hard not to get comfortable once you get to the top. If they thought they were going to get a better version of Dareus by showing him the money then that is silly. You are either self motivated or not. If you are just about the money then you will work just hard enough to get that money but then after that where is the incentive?
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