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Everything posted by K D

  1. Oh my. This thread can't be real can it?
  2. Nothing loveable about this team. Most outsiders already hate Rex Ryan then add to that Richie Incognito and now we have Jerry Hughes head butting coaches. This team is a mess. Makes me not want to root for them to be honest
  3. Ohio state's backup quarterback is not the answer. He's a project. We need an actual quarterback, no more messing around with maybe this guy or maybe that guy. For the next part I find this silly. Because he has money he should give out free hand outs? I completely disagree.
  4. I know once I'm in FG range with the game on the line my go to guy is Reggie Bush who hasn't run the ball in like 5 weeks and hasn't had a positive rushing yard seemingly all year
  5. Has Tyrod ever led a successful 2 min drill? If there is a stat on that I guarantee he is the worst in the NFL among the starting QB's. Once you are down it's over. He's not going to lead you back. If the other team scores over 21 just turn the TV off because we lose
  6. Tate needs to hit that guy. Why give him an easy path to down it
  7. That's all folks. Rex might be fired after this game if they score a couple more times. It's still the 3rd so it's very possible
  8. Typical Tyrod today. So bad that you question how he is in the NFL and then he drops a perfect bomb to Watkins. Don't let the big plays blind you. He's a WR that can throw so he makes some big plays from time to time and is fun to watch. But put the ball in his hands and have him try and pass the ball down the field like in the 2 min drill and it's so completely obvious what a gimmick he is. Anyone that still thinks he's the guy is fooling themselves or are just blinded by the big plays
  9. Pay to go? I wouldn't go if someone paid ME.
  10. You want Matt Moore as the starter? Oh my
  11. Thanks. Yea that's why they don't do it. "That's the team leader and we can't disrespect him." These guys all have egos. Football players need to get over themselves. You can still be the leader of the team from the sideline and shouldn't the leader be a team player that does what it takes to win? As for a closer, it seemed like a crazy idea in baseball not too long ago too. Now every single team has a closer. I've seen it done in college where you have the running QB and the throwing QB. Makes a lot of sense and if players would get over themselves I think it could work
  12. Play Tyrod for the first half then bring in a closer that can actually pass when we need him if we get behind. If we are winning there isn't much better than someone like Tyrod who helps the run game and who doesn't turn the ball over. It's only when we are losing where he's a problem because he just can't pass the ball down the field. He's proven to be incapable of leading a 2 min drive with his arm and in games where it's a shootout we are going to lose every time because we can't score as fast as teams that air it out
  13. The Bills have options? What the heck are these options you speak of? The only option is pay Tyrod a bajillion dollars even though he stinks or cut him and sign who? Fitzpatrick? What the heck option do we have? Tyrod is better than who will be available except now we have to cut him and chances are he signs elsewhere. He is the one with options, not us
  14. Cardale couldn't even win the starting job at Ohio state. Why would anyone think he would win the starting QB job in the NFL? Especially after a rookie season where he didn't even dress
  15. Whaley really screwed us. We could have franchised Tyrod and gave him 1 more shot. Now we have to cut him and hope he re-signs for a reasonable amount
  16. In examining our 7-7 record I have been able to deduce that 50% of those games we had less points than the other team. However, there were some games where we actually had more points than the opponent. 7 if my calculations are correct. That's more than 6 but less than 10 needed for the playoffs
  17. He has? Or are you being sarcastic?
  18. Here's my idea: Fire Rex, bring in Mike Pettine. Not much changes but we go back to 4 years ago when we were pretty decent. Also Donnie Henderson as d-back coach!
  19. Tyrod wasn't walking with the franchise tag available. The Bills goofed plain and simple
  20. That is completely incorrect. That's why it was such a bad deal. He wasn't going to be a UFA until after this season. After such a bad season they could have had him for cheap
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