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Everything posted by K D

  1. Haha I guess you really can spin a story any way you want. The facts show that Rex lost the defense and that's why we lost the final 6 out of 9 games. Our offense just put up nearly 600 yards and we still lost and it's not the defenses fault? Ummmmmm OK. Rex is a sub .500 coach and that's exactly what he gave us. Forgive us for wanting a little better than that
  2. At this point, just because my 92 yr old grandpa is. We had season tickets and he took me all through the super bowl years. The other reason is because I live 15 min from the stadium so it's impossible to escape it. Otherwise I'm close to jumping off the wagon. That's why "nobody circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills"...Because we are all too afraid to jump on!
  3. I think they want Lynn. Doubt we will see any big names when we don't have a QB. Obvious connections with Schwartz (former DC) and Franklin (Pegula State, I mean Penn State)
  4. Don't care, won't matter until we get a QB
  5. Oh man I was listening to most of the show, can't believe I missed that. I think I caught part of it but it sounded like a woman. John is having a hard time spinning this for the team. They are a complete mess and I don't know how he can stick up for them anymore
  6. He will be in jail within 10 years and we will look back at all of the idiots that thought the Bills should draft him. Hes a punk
  7. How has their assistants fared as head coaches? About as well as their backup QB's that dumb teams keep trading for
  8. Bills fans want to be the Pats so bad. Hire their assistants and trade for their backup QB's! They fail to realize the Pats exist because all of these pieces are interchangeable and it doesn't matter if they lose them because they can plug and play someone else very easily
  9. Worthless without a video of you singing it while drinking a 6 pack
  10. The Bills want to be the Steelers so bad that I know they will try. I highly doubt Cowher wants to leave his cushy studio job to get back into the NFL grind though. He works 1 day a week now, why would he want to go back to working 7?
  11. Not as long as they keep Whaley. He is a desperate man and he will do desperate things to try and keep his job. He thinks he has assembled some great team and it's the coches fault that we suck. This could not be further from the truth and we are in trouble because of it
  12. I think they truly don't know yet and can't risk it one way or the other. It will matter who the HC is, who the OC is, and what they want to do at he position. Tyrod might end up being their best option still
  13. Like the movie? Whoever is left after the purge gets to keep their job. I'm going after Whaley first
  14. Bring on the hard counts! Over-under 10 offsides penalties for Jets?
  15. EJ is starting vs Jets as per Adam Schefter. Don't get too excited. It's not because the team thinks he's better than Tyrod. They just don't want to risk Tyrod getting injured and his contract extension kicking in. Would like to see Cardale too so hopefully he dresses as #2.
  16. It's pretty common sense that you completely change the defense you need the right personnel. It takes a couple of years to get the right guys. Ragland might have been the right guy at LB but we will never know. Needed a safety but now it's too late. Pretty stupid to think he was going to come in and completely change things and they would just automatically be better for it
  17. Anthony Lynn should stay as OC. Gus Bradley or Pettine as DC. Coughlin HC
  18. If there was no salary cap then nobody would care. Its cost benefit and allocation of resources. We don't want to be tied to a mediocre to bad QB for the next 3 years and watch the rest of the team suffer because of it
  19. Renegotiate Tyrod. Fire everyone that negotiated the first one. Draft a QB every year. Guys like Edwards, Fitzpatrick, Orton are not the answer. You get someone like EJ and you see they suck then get someone the next year.
  20. I'm done with this team. It's hard not to get too emotionally attached but I need to protect myself like when you are dealing with an ex gf that you know will just break your heart again. I watch from afar. We gave up our season tickets after what they did to Flutie and Wade. Turns out it was the right move because they haven't been to the playoffs since. We go to 1 or 2 games a year (for free) just for fun but they aren't getting anymore of my money. I'll watch on TV for free and turn it off when they suck and go about my business. I'll chime in on here from time to time to remind everyone that they are still bad. Wake me up when they have a QB and we'll talk
  21. Haha so true. It doesn't take hindsight, but a little foresight to know this was a disaster from the beginning. We already had a good defense running a completely different scheme. They wrecked it when they brought in Wrecks Ryan. Anyone with half a brain knows you can't just switch schemes and proceed like nothing is different. You need the right players and you need to learn the system. It takes a couple of years. The Pats are successful because they have been running the same schemes since the turn of the millennium. They lose someone and they have a role player ready to step in. We still don't have the right players but Rex is out of time. It was doomed from the start
  22. Rex will probably have to go into broadcasting and Rob may never work again unless he goes for a LB coach job or something. Nobody touching those guys with a 100 ft pole
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