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Everything posted by K D

  1. That's it - close down TBD, we officially can't get any lower at this point. We've hit rock bottom. If I see a trade for Tom Brady post I'm going to throw my computer out the window and go off the grid officially
  2. You quoted the link to the article and you didn't read it. Classic.
  3. John Elway is CHEAP! If Wade wants money and power we can give it to him
  4. Just messing with you. We could do worse. I don't think he's a good enough passer to make it in this league with just his arm. If you want a guy that's going to help the ground game like why Tyrod does then this would work but is he going to lead you down the field with his arm when there's 1 min left and you have to throw it?
  5. Boom! They can get Lynn for cheap, possibly lowest paid HC in the NFL. Throw the rest of the money at Wade and make him assistant HC with option to become HC if Lynn doesn't work out. Wade has had a lot of success vs Brady and just won the super bowl, doesn't really get any better than that
  6. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2016/12/30/wade-phillips-could-become-a-coaching-free-agent-soon/ Wade Phillips just built arguably one of the best defenses in the history of the NFL. If he makes it to market there is no team that could pay him as much as the Pegulas. This is unlikely given the way he was forced out of town here as head coach but most if not all of those people are gone now.
  7. Odds of Bills missing for the 18th straight time are 1:1
  8. It doesn't take an advanced degree in mathematics to know that the Bills are a mess. #analytics
  9. And their backup QB's. They are only good because they exist in a system. All parts interchangeable. All worthless on their own but as a collective it works. We don't have anything like that here. It's a bunch of clueless people just winging it with no clear direction or plan
  10. Jerry Hughes for sure. Would have liked him to become a leader on the team instead of the class clown. He's good but great players make the players around them better. Jerry Hughes only cares about Jerry Hughes
  11. Marv was old 20 years ago when he retired. Coaching this team wouldn't be good for his health No disrespect, hall of fame coach but no thanks
  12. I'd keep Tyrod and get rid of Whaley at this point. Everyone wants Tyrod except him it seems because that wasn't "his" guy. If A Lynn is the HC going forward or at worse the OC then Tyrod needs to stay. If we got a little more out of him in the pass game we would be good enough to be a playoff team and he would be the bridge QB until we get someone else that can take us to that next step
  13. notre dame is completely irrelevant again thanks to him. but hey, we did take the whole staff of Syracuse a few years ago so the ND staff would be an upgrade
  14. Lots of future hall of famers ride the bench in college so there's still a chance! Oh wait
  15. They'd be lucky to get a T-Mobile phone for T-Mobile. They MIGHT get a 7th if some desperate team doesn't want to try and bid for him on the open market knowing that things could get crazy like with Osweiller
  16. Didn't see anything impressive out of him. Hopefully that's a result of missing training camp and half the season and maybe even a bad scheme. I'll defer judgement until next year
  17. Cardale taking 2nd team reps...Just like in college!
  18. A Lynn sounds like he needs A Clue. Contradicting himself saying EJ was "our decision" and then went back on it and said he didn't have a say. I realize even the best coaches aren't great at press conferences but this is tough to listen to
  19. The Pegulas are listening to bad advice. They mean well but Whaley has to go. If it takes a football czar to give them that advice then so be it
  20. Doesn't matter until we get a QB. We can have Vince Lombardi, won't make a difference
  21. That's worse than bush league. That's Reggie Bush league!
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