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Everything posted by K D

  1. I've seen people suggest Jesus really was woke because he was out among the castoffs of his day. Yea because they were the ones that needed the miracles to be normal, DUH.
  2. 32 reps on the bench and 38 inch vertical
  3. Anyone see how fast the Texas receivers look at mini camp (Mitchell and Worthy)? Mitchell looks like an absolute steal. Pats doubled up at WR with Polk and Baker. Coleman wears discount yellow bubble jacket is the only headline I've seen so far out of Buffalo but we'll see.
  4. I'm 100% in favor of that bill. If you are trying to intimidate or commit a crime while wearing a mask you should go directly to jail do not pass go
  5. If he gets cut do we sign him? We already have the guy from the Lions who was suspended for gambling and Claypool who has played on 3 teams in the past 2 years because he's a locker room cancer. We can replace 1 headcase (Diggs) with 3 of them!
  6. Where does the McDermott prevent defense rank in stopping these drives? Now that I'd like to see
  7. And your message is what? Pretend like it's not going to happen? Some of you live in a fairytale land. You need to come back to reality.
  8. How many chances does this bozo get? I'm guessing if it was anybody else they would be cut by now
  9. I think it's known that Elliot Wolf is getting this job and they are just going through the motions and doing their Rooney interviews
  10. TG is actually going to get one of these GM jobs soon. He's very well regarded around the league. He doesn't need to go to any fake Rooney rule interviews.
  11. No because the challenger was Hillary whose husband is the real sexual deviant. Then we have Obama who is married to a tranny and has had gay sex supposedly. Then Biden loves to smell kids and shower with his daughter and we all know about Hunter. Not a lot of non-creeps running for president these days so choose based on policies because everyone is flawed.
  12. You go to these indoctrinated schools and they tell you how you are racist and have toxic masculinity. And you go in debt to to do so. No thanks, better off learning a trade or teaching yourself how to code.
  13. Mail order brides are supposed to come this way, he did it wrong!
  14. Sounds like an episode of 90 Day Fiancee. Either that or he's a spy unfortunately
  15. Update - even though I own many guns I still haven't shot anyone. I also own many knives and I've never stabbed anyone. I have sliced my fingers a few times on accident. Knives are dangerous and there should probably be mandatory background checks before purchasing!
  16. I don't know anything about his story but why can't he stick on a team? He went to ND and they don't make any concessions for football players, you actually have to be smart and a hard worker to go to school there. I remember him being really good as a rookie too. Where did it go wrong?
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