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Everything posted by K D

  1. That sounds like someone Buddy Nix would hire
  2. If Bills reporters got booted out for disagreeing then we wouldn't have anyone reporting on this team except Chris Brown
  3. And I'm not expecting him to play a full season next year anyhow. If it's not this injury it will be something else
  4. This game just confirmed the obvious. You are what you are
  5. Anthony Lynn is the top HC candidate in the NFL. Just ask Whaley
  6. I hope EJ got his degree. I'm not watching but from the tweets sounds like his career is over
  7. It's all over the news how it's Lynn's job to lose. There won't be a search, just going through the motions. Whaley has a guy he knows will do whatever he wants. Anyone that wants to bet against that let me know. It's a done deal
  8. Enron stock is worth more at this point
  9. Oh god, the Bills media mouthpiece. Him and Murph have been talking up Russ every chance they get. Callers say fire Russ and they are quick to come to his defense and say he only sticks to the business side. I call BS. He's the president, he's the highest ranking guy besides the Pegulas. I'm sure he's throwing his 2 cents in It does because there is no "search." They found their puppet it seems. Trying to sell Lynn as in "high demand." Yea suuuure who wouldn't want to be the worst passing offense in the NFL. Let's hire that guy
  10. His agent trying to drive up demand and salary. Schefter has the same agent as Lynn and Bradley fyi. Take what he says with a grain of salt...And a chug of beer...Better drink the whole keg to be safe
  11. The Bills are the worst team in the AFC East and top 3 worst team in the AFC. Possibly top 5 worst team in the NFL at this point
  12. Whaley and Brandon are best buds. He will be involved by default. You think they aren't talking about it? Maybe hes not in the room but he will be putting in his 2 cents Also, what "search?" Sounds like they are going with Lynn. Fake stories about Broncos wanting Lynn. They might give him an interview for the Rooney rule but how coveted is an OC with ³ months experience?
  13. Who? I've literally never heard that name called all year. What's so great about him?
  14. I bet Wade will be HC. That defense has made that team what they are. No way they want to lose him
  15. And they are still eligible for the super bowl every Sept but we know better. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me 17 times in a row and...
  16. Exactly! It was most evident with the Tyrod decision. They know Lynn will do whatever they say. He wasn't even in on the discussion to not start him. They will have their puppet that will just do whatever they want and I think that's what Whaley wants
  17. This is pretty much a lock at this point based on the news from today. Bills sticking with Lynn because no coach worth a damn wants to coach this team. Whaley wants to run a 4-3 because that's what he drafted for and Rex screwed it up. That makes re-signing Zach Brown a top priority as you need an athletic LB to play the weak side. Today will be a run through to see how Lynn does and if he doesn't completely screw it up then Gus Bradley will be calling up his realtor this afternoon to find a house in OP
  18. Lynn has never called plays from the sidelines before. If he's head coach who calls the plays? He's going to try today but if it doesn't work and they need an OC calling plays from the booth then what?
  19. If this happened 2 years ago I think people would have said the playoff system was dumb and not needed. They are lucky Ohio state won that year. This year it was pretty obvious who the top 2 teams were and they proved it yesterday
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