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Everything posted by K D

  1. Kim and Terry sitting in the other room like
  2. They won't give Whaley enough time for a full rebuild. He's on a short lease. He's got one maybe two seasons tops
  3. I could win too with Zeke and Joey Bosa and all that talent
  4. To give up on him means you once thought he was worth something. I don't think he's good enough to play in college let alone the NFL
  5. We aren't rebuilding. Whaley gets 1 more shot at this and if it fails then he is fired and we rebuild. I think it will be Lynn and keep Tyrod and hopefully bring in someone that can fix that defense! All signs point to going back to a 4-3
  6. Whaley: "hey remember that time you coached and got smoked by the Jets?" Lynn: "Remember that time you hung me out to dry in front of those reporters?" We really don't have any other options. Nobody wants to coach this team and Lynn won't have any other offers. It's a match made in heaven. I just think it's going to be a pretty awkward meeting. Also, if Whaley is in charge then why are they meeting in Boca with the Pegulas? If Lynn brings Gus Bradley in I think that's the best we can hope for at this point. Keep Tyrod and build on the successes of last season and fix that defense!
  7. I think the sabres logo as a 3rd color rush uniform with blue and yellow would be sweet and I'm not even a sabres fan
  8. Whoever coaches the Bills has to like Tyrod Taylor. Nobody is going to sign up for a job where there is no QB. That's career suicide.
  9. The Bills had the lowest number of players they had drafted themselves playing of any team in the league. Whaley sucks at drafting but has done OK with free agents. Apparently he has never picked a coach though so here we go. This should be interesting Also I believe the lowest number of games played by 1st round picks since 2014 (when he took over)
  10. They missed their golden opportunity this year. Imagine watching that mess with Rex and Rob getting fatter every day and Whaley hiding in his office scared to come out
  11. I think he's done OK. They haven't had a QB so what can you do? If it was his idea to get Osweiller then I guess that is a fireable offence on its own
  12. Ty Dunne was too good for Buffalo. He just happens to be from here so he took a local gig for a short time but now he's back on the path to bigger and better things. We are left with the cracker jack squad of local sports reporters that get outscooped by Adam Schefters cell phone on a daily basis
  13. No he says Tyrod didn't do enough, didn't make the big plays whe we needed or move the sticks on big 3rd downs to keep possession. He does some good things but not consistent was his evaluation
  14. Media has become all about who is first to break the news on Twitter and who has the click bait that's going to generate the hits. There's no time for well thought out and researched editorials anymore. Everyone is on a deadline and the deadline is 5 min ago because Adam Schefter already got a text with some nonsense from an unnamed source and he's "breaking the story" on Twitter
  15. I don't believe the conspiracy theories about why EJ started. I truly believe they didn't want Tyrod to get hurt and be owed all that money. They wanted to take their time and make the right decision with him. EJ was just the next man up. Nothing more nothing less. The way they handled it was incorrect. Letting the media and fans speculate is never a good idea. Doug Whaley thinks he's so important and so busy that he doesn't have time to talk to the media but SOMEBODY has to explain what's going on with these decisions. The Bills organization needs to go into damage control mode because they are looking pretty foolish right now. Why not just get a press secretary like the president has? He can hold the press conferences and explain what's happening so the idiot media can't write whatever they want and try and make a story when there isn't one
  16. Oh boy sounds like a train wreck in the making. Nobody knows what's going on at OBD
  17. I want the best safety out of Adams and Hooker. Otherwise, Mike Williams WR. Keep Tyrod, adding another solid WR should give you plenty of offense if your defense doesn't stink up the field. Every other pick can be defense if that's what the new coordinator wants
  18. Bills belong in the AFC North. I feel like we have more in common with those teams and they are closer so it would be easier to travel to games. The reason we aren't is because the NFL likes the Steelers-Ravens rivalry and doesn't want to lose that and for some reason they still think Miami is our big rival. We haven't had a rivalry with them since Marino. It could be worse though. If they did it geographically (like how it was intended) then the Dolphins would be in the South, the Colts would be in the North, and the Ravens would be in the East.
  19. I'm a human and I say Bill Cowher ain't coming
  20. EJ is the best backup in the NFL according to Whaley. And Tyrod is the worst passing and probably top 10 worst starter. Whaley honestly secretly thought there wasn't going to be much of a drop off
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