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Everything posted by K D

  1. I doubt it will be about the money. He will pick the best fit. If he wants to be a HC again then winning a super bowl with Denver would help his case.
  2. Doubt it. Vegas throwing dollar bills at them like they were at the strip club
  3. We can't even get Norv and he will (and has) coach for anyone. I hope they have a plan. OC is going to be the most important part of this situation now that we have a defensive coach
  4. Skipping town and heading north to Los Angeles as per Adam Schefter. Announcement expected tomorrow
  5. Oh boy this is a name from my childhood. His offense beat us in the super bowl but that was 25 years ago! I don't even think the internet existed back then
  6. If I was Tyrod I would be praying to be released then. They might be leaning his way because Romo would be too risky.
  7. That certainly can be the case in some instances but the Dolphins have spent a ton of money on their defense and they still suck and now you are putting that guy who has had no success in charge of a whole football team. You would like to see a certain level of past success to think that a move like that would work. I'm glad he's not our coach
  8. I remember when Lane Kiffin was a young up and coming HC too. Why not give these guys a few years to prove themselves and gain experience?
  9. This is the correct answer. We gave up our seasons in 2000. One or two games at the beginning of the year is all you need. Invest your money and save for retirement
  10. We are competing with Denver the way that you compete with ants in your yard. We aren't even on the radar
  11. Good for them. The Dolphins defense sucks. They are making a big mistake. I doubt Wade sticks around for that
  12. No it's best to trust an organization that for 20 years doesn't know what the heck it's doing and is the laughing stock of the league. Some of us are smart enough to know what to expect from a brand new coaching staff with all new plays and no QB. If anyone was planning on doing some traveling or unplugging and going off the grid for a while then fall of 2017 might be a good opportunity to do so.
  13. I agree but I felt like there was a chance to keep some continuity with Lynn and Tyrod on offense the have Bradley fix the defense. That would be good enough for a 10 win season. If Whaley wants to go in this other direction to make a splash that's fine but who the heck is the QB?
  14. This is correct. I don't think a top 5 defense, maybe top 10. But the offense...Oh boy these games are going to be boring to watch. My early prediction is 6-10 without knowing who the QB is
  15. You people crack me up. "Let's get McCoy because he's a passing specialist!" Oh yea? Who is going to be throwing the ball? You don't just become a great passing team because your OC used to coach Peyton Manning. "Let's get Romo or Brees or Rivers!" Uhhh what?? I don't know if you are all delusional or if you really think that is a possibility. Romo is going to Denver and Brees and Rivers are staying where they are and will be retired in a couple years. Nobody is packing up their family to move to Buffalo because derpy mcderp on the Bills forum thinks it would be really awesome. If they break up this offense it's going to take a couple of years to get the right players and know the plays. They are already planning on having a new defense as well. This team is hitting the reset button if they replace the entire coaching staff so add season 18 to the drought if that's the case.
  16. Because we have players to win now. By changing the QB and the entire offense there's no way we win next year. Might as well just blow it up and start from scratch at that point
  17. I agree with this. We had a good enough offense to win. We just needed to fix the defense. Lynn plus Bradley and keep Tyrod made sense. Continuity. We could win 10 games with that formula. If you guys think we are bringing in a brand new quarterback who then has to learn a brand new offense not to mention a new defense and then we are making the playoffs then you are crazy. We will win 6 games next year tops. I've personally never been interested in winning 10 games and being 1 and done. I want a team that will win the super bowl. If we are going to do that then we need to blow it up and tank. Are they really prepared to do that when we still have so many talented players in their prime? Lynn and Bradley makes more sense. Win 10 games get the monkey off your back then blow it up in 2 years when you are ready to take the next step
  18. Beat me to it. They better keep Sanjay or Sammy is going to be mad
  19. Hmm live in beautiful San Diego on the beach and have a real deal franchise QB or go to Buffalo where you have 2 years to make the playoffs or you are fired and good luck finding a QB. Tough choice
  20. He will play the Mario position in the 4-3 so anything he can give us would be an improvement
  21. This would point to someone like Coughlin who wouldn't take an interview with Whaley controlling the 53. More power will be more attractive to coaches like him or other coaches who wouldn't take an interview with us otherwise. No way Lynn gets that kind of power, it would need to be someone with experience to give up that much control
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