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Everything posted by K D

  1. I remember this guy from Hard Knocks. Seemed tough but a good guy and he demands respect. I like it.
  2. That's either a joke or an extremely misinformed opinion. Toronto is one of the largest cities in North America and it's right down the road. The amount of money there rivals cities like NY, Chi, LA. Don't be naive, if the Pegulas wanted to make money they would move there in a second. Lucky for us they have no interest in making more money which is very rare in the business world. We just saw an owner that is already a billionaire leave San Diego just to make more money in LA. People are interested in making more money believe it or not. Even rich people
  3. Doesn't matter we are the 2nd smallest market and we are a historically bad franchise. It was a miracle that the Pegulas bought us and wanted to keep us here. It makes zero business sense to do so with Toronto right there.
  4. Russel Wilson looks like he's on today. He's going to need to be to keep up with ATL's offense. This could be a high scoring game
  5. No offense but we would be the first team to go if that was the case lol
  6. At least they didn't just post it on Craigslist.
  7. I wish we could have retained Kromer and Palmer on the offensive side. Our line has been playing well, especially in the run game
  8. Everyone. He is the veteran guy he should be a leader and a role model. Missing the team bus and laughing about it, apparently showing up late to meetings or falling asleep, we are all aware of the personal fouls on game day and the arguing with coaches. This guy is no leader And don't get me started on Dareus. One of the highest paid defensive players ever and he smokes weed and shows up out of shape. Serious lack of motivation. They need someone to kick them in the you know what when they slack off. We need leadership on this team badly
  9. OK I took it more general as in bad role model. But you can certainly say that someone like Hughes who is undisciplined is unmotivated since he lacks the motivation to change those negative attitudes and actions
  10. The idiots on the team are also the best players on the team. Good luck with that. Jerry Hughes is an idiot but when you can get 10+ sacks in this league you are untouchable
  11. I heard he delivered a baby while in the Tim Hortons drive thru this morning but I haven't been able to confirm yet
  12. They are going to have to fit a round peg in a square whole with either Preston or Ragland. Then you need an athletic guy for the weak side and who knows they might try and fit Alexander there. So basically it's going to be a mess at LB. But hey at least we have a good DL
  13. Whaley was busy googling "what does a NFL GM do." Monos was the one that recommended McDermott
  14. Just run wildcat every play. I'm sick of this
  15. Art Briles! Make it happen. 1 read for Tyrod (or rookie) or run it. Doesn't get any easier than that
  16. Gilmore is gone and there will definitely be a need to get some safeties to fit the scheme. CB is not as important and they probably have their guy already with Seymour. Would be nice to get a good veteran safety but I doubt they will go after someone like Berry who will get top money
  17. I heard he once won a playoff game with Tim Tebow
  18. Until McCoy leaves the building assume he's talking contract. Elway is CHEAP though
  19. Doesn't have an OC but hires a line coach. Hmmm. He better hurry up and retain Sanjay Lal who just interviewed with the Eagles. Sammy said he was would be really mad if Lal left
  20. I wonder if Lynn would take a OC job at either place even if he doesn't get HC. Roman took our OC job after interviewing for HC but difference was he didn't already have a job
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