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Everything posted by K D

  1. Chip might be a good OC. Just focus on the offense and not all the other stuff
  2. I'd say the same thing no matter what because I'm not racist so what would that matter? An idiot is an idiot. This guy is a clown so maybe he should join the circus instead
  3. Yea let's put him back in his old environment with all his buddies so he can shoot up clubs with an ak47 and fight high school kids. No distractions there. What could go wrong?
  4. So does this mean the Matt Moore, Foles, Glennon, Tebow threads can stop now? The 4 best QB's in the NFL are in the championship games. Coincidence?
  5. Except that Rappaport just tweeted that we are currently interviewing Olson for the job
  6. Well that was a boring game. The Patriots and Texans was the only game worth watching this weekend
  7. Yep! Could you imagine? If we have a QB that does that this year they would be calling for Whaley to be fired, Russ, the janitor, Pegula's dog. No GM in their right mind would sign up for that unless they had an understanding that it takes a few years for the QB to develop so let's sit back and see what happens Peyton was an example that even the best QB's take time. If they like someone they have to feel like they will have the time to groom them otherwise they won't take someone. And Buddy Nix drafted EJ as a going away present. They didn't trust Whaley enough at that point. It also seems they didn't trust him enough to choose Rex. This time they are putting it all on him and saying OK these are your guys let's see if you sink or swim
  8. That's a certainty. Whaley isn't making a move like that without the OK from the owners with the understanding that any rookie is going to take a few years to mature. Maybe the Pegulas say sorry but no we have to win now. In which case he will go for a vet or keep TT. If he drafts someone he's already ensured that he is sticking around for a while to oversee the process
  9. ^^Exactly. That's why Whaley is safe this year. He's getting a chance to do things his way so he will have the opportunity to prove himself
  10. If they felt that way they would be like this Doug Whaley doesn't know what he's doing we aren't letting him find the next coaching staff to sign to a contract for 5 years. We will get a GM that knows what they are doing. Someone we can trust. Apparently they like Doug Whaley so they want to see what he can do with a new coaching staff and new QB
  11. Then he won't draft a QB. No QB wins year 1 except Dak Prescott and Tom Brady
  12. Don't want him. I'd rather he retire and we move on and get someone else that's not 1 hit away from IR
  13. Do you think he would be leading the coaching search and drafting a QB if he was on his way out? Newsflash: brand new offense and brand new defense = rebuild. It takes 2-3 years to get the right personnel and learn the plays. Especially with a rookie QB if that's the route they go. We are a long ways away. They aren't going to get rid of the GM one year into that transition. Maybe after 2 if it's trending downward. Whaley is tied to this coaching staff and the next QB for better or worse
  14. Because it will take the QB a number of years to develop. If that QB ends up being the next Peyton Manning are they going to fire the GM that drafted him after his first year? Took Peyton about 3 years to be Peyton
  15. That would be a jerk move to block it. It would be a big promotion. More money, play calling duties, more power. I don't think Reid would do McDermott and Childress dirty like that
  16. If Whaley drafts a QB he buys himself 3 years while that QB develops. So you are wrong. It would not be to his benefit to keep Tyrod
  17. If it's Childress do we bring in Favre? He is in great shape. Maybe Randy Moss?
  18. And going 31 mph in a 30 is speeding but nobody gets in trouble for that kind of stuff either. It's very easy to "gauge interest" without needing to get permission
  19. Yea he was so bad they replaced him with Hackett. Now that's bad
  20. McNabb did pretty good in that offense. Similar skill set with Tyrod but not as quick of a release
  21. We know. They have to learn an all new offense and we don't even have a QB. At least we will have a good defense again though
  22. They got sacks because everyone's focus is on Hughes. You know that
  23. Isn't that just like us. Defense is great, let's get Rex and destroy it. Now offense is good and defense stinks so let's blow up the whole coaching staff instead of just fixing the defense. I agree, the D will be good but now the problem will be the offense
  24. On the team. He said he's not interested in making money on the team. He said if he needs money he will go drill a hole. This is very uncommon. Most people like making money, even rich people. Luckily Pegula sees the team like how some people see a shiny car. It's just something fun to have
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