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Everything posted by K D

  1. And we didn't trade him last year because?? He was phoning it in. Trade him for whatever and keep him away from division rivals. Seems pretty obvious
  2. It's one in the same. If you HAVE to use steroids to compete then you will abuse them. It's all about getting the edge. At the highest level of athletics it's so close between the guys that make it and guys that don't. Not fair to make someone have to put synthetic substances into their bodies
  3. Steroids are dangerous. If you don't already know that then you are an idiot. By allowing steroids you are basically making it a requirement to be a pro athlete because everyone will need to take them to keep up with the rest of the competition. Some people don't have a choice in life and will gladly do whatever it takes to make it even if it kills them. Not fair to those that actually value their lives and just love playing the sport and are naturally gifted at it.
  4. Incognito truly was humbled. He thought he was being funny and goofing with friends. He didn't realize he was hurting someone. He's a good guy and I think that destroyed him and he has made the necessary changes to once again be a star in this league. Greg Hardy is a punk. You can't fix stupid. This is a completely different situation where the guy has been given multiple opportunities and is still a dbag. No thanks
  5. Alabama might beat the Bills. That would be a demotion for Saban
  6. Ragland is going to be a beast at MLB. This is nonsense. Preston Brown will be his backup, Spikes is gone. The real question is who are our other 2 LB's?
  7. Whenever I do the mock drafts I trade down from 10 to around 15 and get an extra 2nd and I'm still able to get one of the top 2 safeties or WR's. Then use the extra 2nd on a QB
  8. Top priority this offseason. Whaley said "Tyrod who? What we need to do is LOCK DOWN RAMON HUMBER"
  9. Romo should just retire. He's 37 and his spine is being held together with duct tape at this point.
  10. Live look at VY in training: "back in '06 I could throw a football over them mountains"
  11. I wouldn't even hire him to clean the toilets at the stadium and you want him to lead your football team? He will go undrafted and be lucky to make a practice squad assuming he doesn't do anything else stupid
  12. Know who else did good against Alabama? Johnny dbag Football, who can't even make a CFL roster at this point
  13. There were numerous threads saying we should draft him in the first round when the season started. I laughed and said this clown won't even get drafted at all and that was before he did bong hits in a cast and tried to fight high school kids. Then again I remember reading threads about how we should draft Joe Licata not too long ago so people on here are just completely dilusional
  14. If he shows up to the combine with a Thurman jersey on I'm going to be very upset
  15. Every coach has their own way of doing things. Lots of opportunities to learn the wrong things when you change coaching staffs every 2 years
  16. His AK was grandfathered in if he registered it. I know lots of people that just ignore the ban however as local sheriffs won't enforce it anyhow
  17. Did the writer of that article forget to take his prozac today?
  18. Gilmore is gone. He's going for the biggest contract. We aren't matching, we play zone now
  19. You would rather have Tate over Reggie Bush? Nothing gets me more excited than Bush taking a kickoff 8 yards deep in the end zone and returning it to the 10. You will miss that
  20. Chad Kelly is the only Chad Kelly type. He's the only pot smoking white rapper QB I know of in the draft. I think you meant to say Mahomes, someone who is good but will be available in the later rounds
  21. I think Watson could have 1 good year like RG3 or Vince Young. Mahomes might never have that but be a solid backup and part time starter for many years. Not sure which would be considered the better career
  22. The "bargain" was that he was just as good as the top quarterbacks and he was cheaper to get because he was from a small school. There was a whole special on ESPN about it. I remember laughing like OMG people really believe that? What idiot GM is going to draft this guy in round 1 in one of the deepest QB drafts ever. Who were the other QB's? Eli Manning, Philip Rivers, Ben Rothlesberger. And we traded up to draft JP Loserman
  23. Matt Ryan had more yards passing at halftime on Sunday than Tyrod had in 95% of his starts.
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