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Everything posted by K D

  1. What the heck is Tre white doing 10 yards off?
  2. Goodell makes $34 million per year, which is about $33.9 million too much
  3. Sherman is an a-hole. Why is he so angry?
  4. Glad you will get to see your team in person but that's a lot of $. Id rather go on a cruise. I hope you get your money's worth but I don't have high hopes that it will be a competitive game. Hopefully I'm wrong!
  5. The Pegulas could hire people and sit back and do nothing but they are working their butts off to put their own spin on both teams and that is admirable. Its the family business and you can tell it's important to them. Having said that, they don't really know what they are doing so we are certainly not among the elite organizations. I think it would have been wise to hire an advisor to help oversee what they are doing so they aren't just spinning their wheels. They are learning as they go I'm sure. I appreciate their efforts and thank them for giving us teams to talk about.
  6. I played QB and I've watched a lot of film on QB's and Josh Rosen is the one I'd stake my reputation on if I was the McBeane's. Flawless form, effortless throws. Makes bad choices sometimes (Favre'esque) but that's something you can teach. When you are growing up and you are better than everyone you often make dumb plays because you can get away with it. It takes time to learn what you can and can't do as you progress through the ranks. Darnold and Rudolph would be the next tier of QB's imo. Not worth watching anyone else. If we don't draft one those guys then we didn't get a franchise guy.
  7. They would be wise to use him vs our LB's who are still unproven. I could see him having a big day catching the ball, not running
  8. Yes he's not very good. Relies on running and accuracy is all over the place. You have to not only be able to make the right read but deliver it in a certain window and he was throwing it high low and all over the place. Those are acceptable in college because guys are often wide open but that won't fly in the NFL. Someone will give him a shot but his best chance at LONG TERM NFL success is as a receiver. Ohio state guys have found success after making he move and I think he's more athletic than them
  9. He can be a really good H-back/receiver in the NFL. He would be smart to make the move. He's not even good enough to be a backup QB in the NFL let alone a starter.
  10. TO is top 3 at his position all time. That's a no brainer
  11. I would give my left nut for Rosen. Does that answer the OP's question? I'm so sick of let's try this guy and see if he's any good and the 2-3 years later he's not so let's try again. No thanks. Rosen is a sure thing, make it happen by any means necessary.
  12. Haha is it his truck with just a different skin on it? That would be funny
  13. Blue with white is our trademark look. I like the red helmets with it though
  14. being held out of practice because of "groin" or because he's on the trade block and waiting for the deal to go through? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  15. Are the Colts tanking?
  16. i'd like to see them get some good hits on him early if he tries to run with it. that will set the tempo and ruin his day from the start. Cam has a bad attitude and if they hit him hard they will get in his head. pretty much what the Broncos did to him in the Super Bowl
  17. they have to charge so they can afford to pay for Sully's therapist
  18. how does that make them any better than what they are accusing the President of being? how ironic
  19. "suck for Luck" turned into "suck with Luck." they need to fire Pagano, i can't believe he still has a job. Arians was the best coach they've had since Dungy and they let him leave after he almost got them to the Super Bowl. it's been downhill ever since
  20. 100% agree. STICK TO SPORTS! people say that to sports reporters on twitter and they get mad but it's true. we come to you for our SPORTS. we don't care what your thoughts are on politics or social issues. we don't care about your family or personal life. we aren't your fans. you aren't a celebrity and you are easily replaceable. we just want our sports news so please give the customer what they want or they will move on to someone else who will
  21. word is that Disney ceo Bob Iger wants to eventually run for president and in the meantime is pushing his liberal agenda on all of his networks. my wife watches the View on abc and i just have to laugh because the show exists to empower women and to give them a voice but then they set women back 100 years with how stupid they sound. hearing how ignorant and uninmformed these ladies are makes me second guess whether we should still allow women to vote. Susan B Anthony is probably rolling over in her grave. i say that in jest because i know there are extremely intelligent women out there, much more so than myself, but they certainly do not exist on that show and if i was a femanist i would demand they cancel it immediately
  22. so to avoid inferred racism they have to be racist? seems counterproductive
  23. that game last night was like what you see on the field in the 4th quarter of the 4th preseason game. absolutely brutal
  24. Grasshopper walks into a bar, the bartender says wow I've never served someone who has a drink named after them. Grasshopper says, "you have a drink named Steve?"
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