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Everything posted by K D

  1. i remember there were stats like this on Darby saying he was the best corner in the NFL during his rookie year. well needless to say they went after him a bit more in year 2. not that these guys aren't talented and can turn into solid starters, but i think you can find stats to try and prove anything so i would take it with a grain of salt. i am optimistic with Seymour but let's give him some time to develop as a full time starter this year before we annoint him
  2. don't like the drums or the Jills because they were a joke anyhow. let's just get a live bison and let him run around the stadium during the commercial breaks
  3. Maybe they should have waited until after he signed his contact. He's still a broke college student. What did they steal? $12 and a gift card to Applebee's?
  4. The Panthers are a perennial .500 team like us. The only difference being they picked ahead of us one year and got Cam instead of Dareus. Nothing too exciting here
  5. The title should be city with worst sports teams not the worst sports city. We stink but the fans still support the teams. Still embarrassing that we are so bad that other cities have to talk about us so negatively. Maybe we should try to do better than .500 every year
  6. Oh thank God, I was worried this season was going to suck!
  7. I've been scouting YouTube for them for years. One of these days they will probably return my calls
  8. I'm with you. We don't even have any Olympians on the roster anymore. Or anyone that went to Harvard so we can hear about it every game. It's total BS
  9. Avg NFL career is 3 years. And there's plenty of guys who serve even in their 40's. You think an NFL caliber athlete can't keep up with your everyday kind of guys?
  10. Brady, Peyton, Brees, Big Ben, Rodgers...if we had one of those guys I would agree
  11. can't help it. when you are born 30 min from the stadium you have to be a fan. it's more than football to people that live here. it's a representation of us. it pains me to say I'm from Buffalo because the first thing out of someone's mouth after that is oh no I'm sorry to hear that, you must be a Bills fan! you are instantly judged as a person based on the national view that Buffalo is a joke of a city with crappy sports teams. how great would it be to be able to proudly say I'm from Buffalo! enough of this mediocrity, let's build something great
  12. this is true. they can always serve after their pro career as well. and think of the great PR the armed forces would get having so and so ex-nfl player in their ranks
  13. Super Bowl or bust. This team was built to be as good as possible without a QB but you can't win in the NFL without a QB. I'm not interested in a .500 team. Tyrod is a QB that gets you to .500. A lot of people hope that MAYBE we can squeak into the playoffs and I hear some people say well you can't win the Super Bowl without first making the playoffs. But there is a big difference between building a winning franchise that will compete for championships year in and year out or simply building a team that maybe if the cards fall correctly will get a wild card and then be one and done. I'd mortgage 3-4 seasons of rebuilding rather than live through another 20 years of mediocrity. People need to wake up and realize that just because we are Buffalo doesn't mean we don't deserve nice things. We need to stop feeling sorry for ourselves and thinking that a mediocre team is all we deserve. Demand better
  14. Russ should just do the right thing and leave on his own. He's putting the Pegulas in a tough situation
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