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Everything posted by K D

  1. What's racism? Is that like when you hire someone based on skin color? Like DEI programs at corporations and universities? Yea we need to end racism, I agree
  2. If they were sensible they would stick to the politics, but then again if they were sensible they wouldn't be lefties. They will call him every name in the book and go after him personally. And if anyone on the Right did that they would be skinhead Nazis. It's hypocrisy
  3. So let me get this straight. If I give this waitress more of my tax money she's going to change the climate on planet Earth?
  4. Hopefully I have a son who likes to wear makeup so he can get a D1 sports scholarship and free college!
  5. Everyone in the middle is a "far right" Republican at this point if you watch the news. If you are sensible in the least then you are basically the KKK. And yet we are all willing to have a black VP. Go figure. And of course the hypocrisy of the left media will tear him to shreds
  6. My argument is government is corrupt so stop giving them any of your money. They can pass laws if they want to make changes. That requires $0. Stop getting scammed
  7. Tulsi or Vivek would be my peoples. Or RFK jr would be a curveball
  8. How dumb would you have to be to believe that if you give the politicians more of your money then they would be able to change the climate on planet Earth? That money will disappear into some random "global warming" fund that if you actually audited it you would see it gets funneled right back into their pockets.
  9. Politicians in Washington can't balance a budget or even tell us what a woman is, but if you give them enough money apparently they can change the climate of planet Earth!
  10. I'm a Christian and I don't agree with it either. I wouldn't like it if they had other religious teachings on the walls so we can't pick and choose what is acceptable and what is not. I hope people find it on their own but I don't agree with shoving it down people's throats
  11. I think the plan all along has been to run him in 2024 and then retire him in 2025 thus forcing Kamala on everybody knowing full well we would never vote her in. It's important that they have have a lady of color or whatever. Pandering to their base
  12. How dare he think and say things that other people might not agree with! I would never
  13. No but I do think we will play the Chargers or Raiders!
  14. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/political-animals-and-animal-spirits/202307/testosterone-and-politics%3famp
  15. I remember seeing an article that said studies show a correlation between testosterone levels and your political persuasion. Lefties seem to be suffering from low T
  16. No they are literally saying he can't say it. There's petitions and sponsors calling for him to be cut from the team
  17. Whoopi Goldberg Defends Harrison Butker After Remarks, Right To Free Speech https://www.tmz.com/2024/05/16/whoopi-goldberg-defens-harrison-butker-right-free-speech/
  18. Butker didn't call for women to not be allowed to work. He said it was his wife's experience that she found fulfillment as a mother. The narrow minded ones are the ones calling for him to be cancelled and released from the team for having his own beliefs. Let's imagine a world where he said women should be able to work and people signed petitions to have him kicked off the team. Would you want to live in that world? Or should neither side have that much power. Think about it.
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