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Everything posted by K D

  1. I think they gave him the wrong dose. Dr Jill better check the pills. Oh wait, she's not a real doctor!
  2. Are you saying Trump should be on trial for insurrection? Holy cow man step away from the computer. You are far too gone to think about this unbiasedly
  3. Quick, tell them you are Canadian. Oh wait...
  4. He did? He would be in jail then. You have been watching too much CNN
  5. The only way I can think of them spinning this would be to try and say Trump lied or Trump did this or that. Anything to take the spotlight off of how bad Biden looks.
  6. This is a bloodbath. And tomorrow they will say Joe Biden won and then next week he will be replaced. This country is a joke
  7. Gotta look at the policies and pick the person that can do the job. Trump is no right wing conservative but he will put us in a better position than old Joe and then we can figure it out again in 4 years
  8. Biden's getting replaced lol this is horrible. My 100 year old grandpa could run circles around this guy. He should be in a nursing home
  9. It will eventually wear off like his facelift before the previous election and like Hunters morning crack
  10. This "debate" is a waste of time unfortunately. Biden has been prepped on the questions and will still botch them but CNN will tell us how sharp he was and that he won. He will have every drug known to man pumped into him to make him seem awake for the exact length of the debate. They will say Trump is a felon and a threat to democracy and try and make everyone forget the last 4 years, multiple wars, and how nobody can afford anything. I think people have already made up their minds. They just want to double check and make sure Biden doesn't come off as completely senile and need replacing.
  11. Inflation reduction act cost us almost a trillion dollars! Now that's some political math for ya!
  12. Trump should have prosecuted Hillary and hopefully he prosecutes Joe. Then maybe the lefties will see that this is not something we want or need in politics. I don't know what the answer is. Not absolute immunity but also not going after political opponents over ticky tack stuff
  13. A good number of homeless people like being homeless. They want to be able to come and go as they please and they don't want to pay bills. Most are into the drug scene or have mental illness and want to live outside of societal norms. These people don't want to be "housed." It's a lifestyle they have become accustomed to and they choose it. Will they take your $1000 a month? Gladly. It's not going to change their situation for the better though if they don't want to change it
  14. Any Canadians here? Every Canadian I have ever talked to hates Trudeau. So how does he keep winning elections? Hopefully this is a sign that these commies are on their way out
  15. If I'm not mistaken all of these troubles happened AFTER he got CTE. He may have brain damage and might not be the same person he once was
  16. Sign her up for WWE. This is hyping me up for the women's tag team event she must be in
  17. RIP to the man once known as Antonio Brown. I choose sympathy
  18. Those areas are the most monitored areas on the planet. They have infrared cameras, radar lock, and the best tech there is. And if you were an alien, aren't those the areas that you would check out? Like what are these monkeys up to now? Hopefully not blowing everything up with their nukes. That's exactly where they would be found
  19. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/weird-news/former-israeli-space-security-chief-says-extraterrestrials-exist-trump-knows-n1250333
  20. Anyone who identifies another person by their skin color should be cited for racism. The entire democrat party would be fined on the daily. Segregating people by skin color is the dumbest thing I've ever seen and it happens all day every day. We are all HUMANS
  21. If they were not our friends they could have destroyed us at any point like the ants we are to them. We are the reality tv of the universe. All of the extraterrestrials are laughing at how dumb the chimp hybrids are on Earth. They watch us, study us, laugh at us. I wonder if they will watch the debate on Thurs like holy crap this is the best they've got down there??
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