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Everything posted by K D

  1. Why has no reporter looked into this? It would be the story of the decade. "The man behind the teleprompter"
  2. Ever notice that it's all women and weak/gay men?
  3. I like watching the freakout. It's like when Trump won in 2016. If the power that be and the media are freaking out then it's definitely a good thing
  4. Forget the election, who is going to run the country for the next 6 months? China and Russia probably looking to make some moves as we speak
  5. They can't lie anymore. We see it with our eyes. They had to let old Joe out of the basement and now they are wishing they hadn't
  6. It has been this way for 4 years. But NOW it's an issue just because it might cost them an election. But meanwhile it cost us our country
  7. And Bill is getting a blowie in the bleachers
  8. Then our country loses Like we have for the past 4 years
  9. He may be a crook or cheat on his wife with porn stars, but of THESE 2 CHOICES he is the best by a long shot unfortunately for you
  10. That's what I've been saying this whole time. If you want someone better than Trump then give us someone better than Trump. You can't roll a corpse out there and then say well at least it's not Trump! That's how you end up in this terrible situation our country is in. Trump this and Trump that is all they have. They had 4 years to do something and this country went down the toilet. So if it needs to be Trump again then so be it
  11. Millions of illegals, crippling inflation, prices of all of our goods and services through the roof, funding of 2 wars... I'm not a conservative though but that's what I was able to come up with
  12. I think you are being a bit dramatic. We will make sure they have the nicest accomodations that greyhound busses provide on their way out
  13. They repeat the same debunked stories as if they are true. I'm waiting for Russia Russia Russia next
  14. There's 1 old incoherent moron and there's a guy you might not agree with that is mopping the floor with this old man. You better find another candidate and quick
  15. And he's somehow still better than Biden. Are you not watching this?
  16. That's how a lot of us felt for the past 4 years. "Not Trump" is not how people should be voting for a President. You at least need someone who can lead this country. Of these 2, Trump is the better choice whether you want to admit it or not. Now, should there be more than 2 choices? Now that's another discussion
  17. With all of the face lifts he can no longer close his eyes lol
  18. Trump also knew about 13 seconds with 17 seconds left!
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