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Everything posted by K D

  1. "Just say he's colluding with Russia"
  2. Where abouts are you? I'm assuming outside of Charlotte and the Triangle that it's mostly Trump country there? I've spent some time there and it's hard to imagine it being a state that's in doubt but likely half of the state is from NY at this point which I'm sure the locals are not too happy about.
  3. Other countries might not have as many guns but they have knife attacks and now hand grenade attacks are on the rise as well! What's next? Anvils dropping on people's heads?
  4. Today is the day!
  5. I'll go with the side that's not trying to ban free speech or flood the country with illegals. Plus RFK fixing our food. Easy choice.
  6. Dems need to get those fake ballot printers working overtime! Or are they just going to fudge the numbers directly through the Dominion box that is hooked to the internet? If we overwhelm them it will be too big to rig!!
  7. Russia Russia Russia lol 😂 Feel free to make a competing rocket company if you don't want to use Elon's. He's so stupid so it should be easy for you.
  8. That's pretty sad. You want to live in the world of propaganda and no free speech? Free speech is the bedrock of democracy. After a while they will call the other side racist and threats to democracy and try and shut them down which will only lead to more unrest and possible civil "disturbances" if not war. Let's say Trump wins and shuts down CNN and MSNBC for "fake news" and says everyone must watch Fox or OAN? That's not any different than what the Dems are trying to do. There's so much crap on Facebook and Instagram but they want to shut down X which is a joke because that's the only one that lets both sides talk. Rumble only exists because people got kicked off of YouTube for saying true things like it was Hunter's laptop and the vaccine doesn't stop you from getting or spreading COVID.
  9. Trump is Hitler and Elon is Russia Russia Russia! The Dems need to learn some new tricks
  10. I haven't seen him post since the news came out about it all being fake. I think his mom put him in timeout
  11. Lol some of the comments are suggesting that the R's are voting for Kamala so Republicans not really in the lead. Riiiight lol that's some next level coping 😂
  12. I think we are heading towards a dual economy. Separate search engines, media channels, social media, etc. YouTube banned creators for saying anything about the vaccine (those people ended up being right) so they went to Rumble for instance. This will continue to happen more and more as long as the Dems want to crack down on free speech and the Republicans only believe what Trump says.
  13. Who are the 2 best QB's of the past 20 years (and maybe ever)? Who are the 2 best coaches of the past 20 years (and maybe ever)? They go hand in hand. I personally think the QB is more important than the coach but if you don't have a good coaching staff the QB won't be as successful. It's a symbiotic relationship.
  14. So nobody in here is getting groped? Bummer!
  15. These haters are hilarious. Elon has done nothing, besides create 3 of the greatest companies in the history of the world. "But he didn't personally create the rockets! He's a fraud." Lol you would be surprised to know that Jeff Bezos doesn't package your Amazon order either. If these morons are so smart and Elon is an idiot, feel free to take out a loan at a bank and start even 1 company let alone 3 of the greatest of all time. These people accomplish nothing in their lives and they are bitter it seems.
  16. Riiiiiight and Trump is Hitler so they compare notes on being bad guys. I bet Putin was pissed then when Elon gave Ukraine free starlink internet after Russia cut their coms. There was a bounty on Elon for doing so.
  17. He's $145 billion richer today. $TSLA is on a tear. Me likey
  18. He's definitely getting fired. Is there really any doubt about that in the 'Land?
  19. And Liz Cheney meets the exact specifications to be a Dem. What a great trade that was! Hall of Fame type player for a UDFA
  20. I hope he was wearing that shirt and then said this...
  21. They are looking for some fringe "media" to put it out on and even those people don't want to destroy what little credibility they have
  22. Where are all of the "we support women" folks?
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