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Everything posted by K D

  1. I'd give him a shot. I think it's time to part ways with the rookie punter/kicker anyhow.
  2. The good news is we will start the season 2-1. The bad news is it's all down hill from there!!
  3. The biggest takeaway from this thread is that the Rams still have fans. Who knew?
  4. They are going to hold open tryouts like in the movie Invincible and our starting WR will be Marky Mark
  5. Lol people want to leave NOW? You stayed during the JP Losman, Trent Edwards, and EJ Manuel years and now is the time to jump ship? We had a quarterback from the ivy league and then a quarterback with a mustache and at one point we had friggin Kelly Holcomb. Many years of almost completely unwatchable football. If you stayed this long then you are in for a treat because this year's team will be just as good as those teams!
  6. Should have done this 15 years ago. Need a franchise QB at all costs
  7. Root for Kizer but not so much in that he wins a lot of games for Cleveland, just that he looks the part and they are happy
  8. I wish. Brady owns the 2000's and 2010's. 2020 can be our decade if we play our cards right. Personally that would be my strategy but these guys want to show everyone how super competetive they are and don't want to back down from a fight. But sometimes you have to know when you are outgunned, retreat, and come back stronger.
  9. Let's just hope they identify the right guy his time. A lot of people's jobs depend on it
  10. Having a 5th round Nate Peterman doesn't stop you from drafting someone too. Takes QB's a few years to develop. You need to hedge your bets
  11. Sammy would be wise to be one and done in LA. If he catches on with a team like *cough* New England he could be a hall of famer one day. He's only 24 folks
  12. Alex Smith is consistently average. It might take an injury for them to replace him (like in San Fran). He better do whatever it takes to stay on the field. If he gets knocked out of a game he's going to lose his job
  13. Not tanking or Yates would be starting. If we get a QB he's not starting next year anyhow. Nothing is any different. We were a .500 team before and we will be a .500 team still. Only difference is we have a chance at adding some future talent next year so in 2 years maybe we look like a real team
  14. Anyone think he will have better year than Sammy?
  15. Mahomes throws for 1200 yards and 18 TD's in the second half and the forum melts down for good.
  16. how much worse are they though? they got a possible 1k yards receiver and a db that will play zone (oh yea PLUS the picks!)
  17. I agree. I would do the Darby trade in a second. I would have asked for more for Sammy (better CB or an additional pick). That's my final answer
  18. I like the thinking behind it. I would have liked a better CB. We needed a starter not a backup caliber player. At first I was shocked. I came inside after mowing the lawn and all hell was breaking loose. Then I stopped to consider everything and Watkins wasn't going to come back and Darby didn't fit the scheme. So I like the trades, I don't love them. If we somehow got a 1st or a starting CB I would probably be doing cartwheels right now
  19. Maybe we can get a better CB instead. This guy wasn't even going to start for them
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