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Everything posted by K D

  1. He looks good standing on the sidelines. If he makes the team that's the only way you will see him this year
  2. If they think Tyrod is the QB they want then they will. Not easy to get a starting QB in the league
  3. Tyrod for Ramsey was a rumor that was out there. Make it happen
  4. If anything it just showed how much the other players don't know what the heck they are doing in a zone scheme. I think Gaines will end up starting as a result. Seymour is supposed to have contain and he looked lost
  5. for the sake of being positive...Lorenzo Alexander still looks pretty good in his new role which is very surprising. a former lineman moving to 3-4 LB later in life is one thing but now playing in the 4-3 which is completely out of position for him is one of the more remarkable things i've ever seen. lucky for us because we don't really have a plan B but so far so good!
  6. against the run. there was a big hole in the middle of the field in zone coverage and Humber wasn't doing much in the flats they better sack the QB every play then! the d-line is good but i don't know if they are that good
  7. he wants to retire with his health. he's not going after those errant Tyrod throws. he did look slow though but he might have just been depressed with how bad the offense was
  8. our d-line is great, LB not so great, and the secondary is garbage. don't even bother watching the Falcons or Pats games - it's not going to be pretty
  9. i was at 8-8 before the season, 7-9 after the draft and schedule release, 6-10 at this point (trades and 2 pre-season games). we are trending down for sure
  10. Jim Kelly would march the team down the field and score a TD and then they would take the first team out. preseason should be easy for the offense. i think you people forget what a real NFL team looks like. it has been a long time so i understand
  11. Henderson, Ducasse, Mills was the worst OL combo in the entire NFL tonight. Absolutely embarrassing.
  12. He won't finish the season as the QB. If they stick with this offense they will need someone else. Plain and simple. Just like how Darby wasn't a scheme fit, it's apparent that Tyrod does not fit what they want to do either. Darby was impressive tonight by the way. Looks happy to be back playing cover 1
  13. What's Tyrod's grade? He needs summer school, he's flunking
  14. I wonder if Boldin is thinking about how he could be retired right about now on a beach somewhere. He should have learned from Harvin and T-O. Buffalo is like the Florida of football...where wr's careers come to die.
  15. Tyrod can't run this offense. It's a fact. Absolute terrible showing. The only time he had any glimmer of success was when he reverted back to scrambling around and improvising. He looks completely lost. Corners absolutely owning him because he's like a preschooler with training wheels at this point trying to figure out a 3 step drop. It's embarrassing to anyone that has played the QB position. This is what you learn in pop Warner. Tyrod will not finish the season as QB if they stick with this offense. It's a fact. Either Dennison is gone or Tyrod is, they can't coexist
  16. Haha you are only subtracting 1? The offense looks like trash and the secondary is garbage. 6 max
  17. Good thing Cardale played school. He will need that education in a few weeks when he has to post his resume on indeed
  18. Appreciate the effort. Tough to mess with a classic though
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