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Everything posted by K D

  1. If he trades Shady and Dareus maybe Hughes he will have pulled a Chip
  2. i remember a thread like this about EJ starting and wanting to draft Gragg. haha it's depressing to be a Bills fan
  3. trade them Tyrod. he's ready to go (assuming he gets out of concussion protocol)
  4. Jets have a better starter than we do. which one of us is tanking?
  5. we have been a bad team for a long time so you would think we would have amassed a lot of talented players since we pick high or at least in the top half usually. here are the players that remain on the team out of our draft picks from 2005-2015: - Kyle Williams (very good, possibly last year) - Eric Wood (good, signed exentsion) - Marcel Dareus (Mr. Big Puff, trade bait) - Cordy Glenn (good but often injured) - Preston Brown (probably his last year) - Seantrel Henderson (suspended backup) - John Miller (backup) - Nick O'Leary (starting to catch on but very mediocre) - Dez Lewis (probable cut) THAT'S IT!!!! absolutely embarassing only 9 players remain from a decade of drafting high and after this year that list may be cut in half
  6. You aren't going to mention the 2013 class none of which are on the team?
  7. Haha a 4th in 2 years? That's equivalent to like a 5th or 6th this year. Yikes
  8. Oh God now it's going to be all over ESPN how Bills signed this guy over Kaepernick. Are we going to have protests in front of OBD now?
  9. Draft for 2nd and 4th, trade for 4th. Makes sense
  10. Is it possible we win 3 games and not be the worst team in our division? Now that would be an accomplishment
  11. When they lost the offensive staff they lost the season. They needed continuity on at least 1 side of the ball. Starting from scratch everywhere is a quick way to a losing season
  12. The Bills aren't tanking, they just stink
  13. more decisive than a Tyrod, faster than a Dareus suspension, its PETER MAN
  14. Tyrod can play WR. Not even joking. He would be top 3 and pretty decent imo
  15. I thought it was funny that people were in front of the NFL headquarters demanding Kaep be on a team. As if they are going to force a team to sign him and pay his high price when he isn't any good. I guess teams are religiously biased because Tebow isn't on a team. Would these same people demonstrate for that?
  16. If a person of a different ethnicity were to say the same thing that is exactly how they would be labeled. Kyle Williams probably feels the same way but can't say so. I don't know if people are really that sensitive or if the media just loves blowing things out of proportion
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