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Everything posted by K D

  1. Arrest all of these goons. If you show up to a rally with a mask and riot gear then you are not there to peacefully protest
  2. He's not going to do much of anything just like his first 4 years. What he won't do is all of the woke crap the Dems did while also funding 2 wars. Enough of that stuff, time to support actual working class Americans
  3. Holy crap guys. This is beyond delusional. Step away from the keyboard. Maybe go for a nice walk or something
  4. "But now he can weaponize the office of the President" says the President who has weaponized the office of the President!
  5. Lefties are always women, minorities, and very weak men. It's the victim mentality. It's been scientifically proven they have lower testosterone levels
  6. They are so p*ssed that they can't control Elon. Just think if they could spread these lies on every platform. That's definitely their goal
  7. I see the dems are having a hard time swallowing 4 more years of Trump. Get ready for it, it's happening!
  8. Trump has had so much WINNING lately that something is going to happen. All of the power lies on the other side and they are not keen on giving it up. It's only a matter of time before things turn drastic. Nothing is off the table for these nut jobs. Covid #2, some fake Russia Russia Russia or porn stuff, or last act of desperation will be as 2 posters already suggested - they will send the military industrial complex after him
  9. The Libs that are pissed should not have weaponized the legal system to go after a President. This would not have come up if not for all of these frivolous indictments
  10. C'mon man that's a bunch of malarkey! We need the black kids to rub my legs in the pool and watch the hairs stand up. And the Putins and the Ukrainians man! Save Democracy and ahdkskfhfsj
  11. If you really believe that you should bet it. You can make a ton of money
  12. A senile and nearly dead Joe Biden has better polling numbers than Kamala and Newsom and anyone else they have
  13. Lol nobody is scared of Parisians. Literally the biggest sissies in the history of the world. Hopefully people are all waking up around the world and seeing how crazy the left is. Hopefully we are next!
  14. 1776 happened to get away from situations like what we are currently in where all of our money and jobs are not going to current Americans. They are flooding us with illegals and sending all of our money to Ukraine. Trump represents the rebellion against the powers that be.
  15. I wish it was already November. Trump could possibly say a lot of stupid things before then and have it twisted by the media. They should stick him in the basement like they do with old Joe.
  16. This pretty much sums up how stupid half of the country is. Show the polling numbers of Trump vs a bag of rocks. Half the country would vote for the rocks while not knowing or caring who is really calling the shots. It's Trump vs Not Trump
  17. Yikes...they are either trolling or more delusional than we thought
  18. We can replace him in 4 years. What the heck will you have to talk about once he's gone?
  19. Pelosi - there was no assassination. Just defication
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