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Everything posted by K D

  1. Obvious tank move starting Tyrod instead of Peterman. Where's the fire emoji?
  2. Rex is going to love seeing the Jets and Bills combined win less games than the Pats. Then he can say see it wasn't my fault I'm a great coach!
  3. We are by far the best football team in NY State so we have that going for us
  4. Apparently they are putting a huge emphasis on special teams. That's why they cut JWill supposedly (the other RB's play special teams). If they put that much into ST's and they still aren't good then yes I think Crossman will be held accountable
  5. he obviously didn't see that we cut Brandon Reilly and Jonathan Williams. obvious tank moves
  6. haha i would be doing a dance and then i'd be like oh i mean uhh what a shame. so sad...
  7. i think Pats are in win now mode. Belichick isn't dumb, he knows that Brady playing like this in his 40's isn't the norm and can end at any time. in your 40's you don't recover as quickly. i don't care what kind of green veggies and yoga he does, 1 good hit and Brady could be done for good
  8. Subaru, Honda, Toyota...all super cheap to maintain and hold their value. I've had 100k cars and I've had 20k cars. I've seen it all at this point. Cars are a huge waste of money so try to limit that hit as much as possible by buying smart. I'd buy a Subaru over an Audi any day of the week
  9. They tried to replace him with Rob Johnson every chance they got. He signed with San Diego and they gave him a real shot as the #1 guy. He probably feels like more of a Charger than a Bill. Plus he's a huge Pats fan. We haven't made the playoffs since and the Pats went from a terrible franchise to one of the best in all of sports in that same time period. Coincidence? I think he cursed us
  10. Baker Mayfield is a complete and total a-hole. He was a walk on at Texas Tech and had a good freshman year but then demanded he be given the starting job over Mahomes without competing and earning it. Coach said no so he just left without telling anyone and enrolled at Oklahoma without even telling Stoops or asking if he could have an opportunity to walk on. Oklahoma is in the same conference and Texas Tech still held his rights so they blocked the transfer and Mayfield wasn't able to play in 2015 as a result. He won the job in 2016 and obviously had a great year, 4th in Heisman voting. Then he got arrested for public intoxication and trying to run from the cops. There's a pretty funny video of 3 cops tackling him. Somehow he wasn't suspended for that incident. He also keeps a "hit list" on his phone for anyone that has ever said anything bad about him that he says he uses for motivation. Biggest knock on him besides being an a-hole is that he's only about 5'11ish. He's probably a 4th round or later guy but might be worth a look. Jim Kelly was a huge a-hole too and that worked out well. You need to have a chip on your shoulder to be great. He might not be the prototypical passer but he might win you some games. Worth a late round look
  11. If we lose vs the Jets can we finally get everyone on the board to agree to a tank? You don't have to admit you are tanking, just trade Shady and Tyrod and Clay. They won't be a part of our long term plans anyhow so who cares.
  12. He's tall. Whaley measured his hands and he thinks he will be able to grip the ball well in the cold
  13. Flutie does not consider himself a Bill and is an open supporter of the Patriots. He doesn't feel like he got a fair chance here and can you blame him? I doubt we get him to lead the charge any time soon. He's busy surfing and doing Heisman commercials
  14. I wish we were 31. I think we are more like 26 which means we get the 3rd or 4th best QB
  15. I think others would disagree Sorry but it's time to finish this. If we have to sacrifice 1 season where we weren't going to win anyhow then so be it. We finally have a gm that's not afraid to make the tough moves. Did you see Rosen last night? It's time to get a QB that will win us a super bowl. Enough of this mediocrity.
  16. German cars too expensive to maintain, especially used. They use proprietary parts so that you have to bring them in for service. It's a scam. Lease them or buy Japanese is my advice
  17. Don't care. Did you see Josh Rosen. I hope we go 0-16 now
  18. They were playing backups in the 3rd. And the RB with 200 yards in the first half had 0 yards rest of game. Bad coaching if that's the case
  19. I've been following his career since he was about 16. Top QB prospect in the country at one of the best high school programs. If you are just hearing about him now then ok but he had one of the best true freshman years in college history. He's been around
  20. Their RB had 200 yards at halftime. He pulled the RB and QB that I noticed and probably others in the 3rd. Maybe he put them back in but the RB finished with 200 yards I see so he just didn't get the ball in the 2nd half? Makes no sense
  21. One game? You serious? Rosen has been the top QB prospect in the country since he was a kid. This is just more of the same for the best QB in the country
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