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Everything posted by K D

  1. Why does every climate bill have money for Ukraine in it? Wake up, you are being scammed
  2. Crickets from the peanut gallery today. How are we feeling about the unpopular Kamala?
  3. People are racist towards Indian Americans? I know we all think they either work at a quickie mart or IT support but they are the top earners per capita in the US so how exactly is racism hurting them?
  4. So is Kamala in and Joe out? That seems to be the rumor online. The betting odds just took a crazy swing towards Kamala being the nominee
  5. I know, that's why I'm against BLM
  6. You can protest...as long as you are on their side of the protest. Same with work. You can wear your BLM stuff but don't wear your Maga stuff! Double standard.
  7. Oh jeez I can't even bring my mind to that dark of a place as to consider her as the President. It's the stuff of nightmares
  8. King Trump will find the cure for cancer but then keep it to himself just to own the Libs!
  9. This guy has gone from a respected medical doctor to an absolute clown 🤡
  10. Kamala above Biden in betting odds now. Do the Dems still win the popular vote with one of the least popular people in politics in history?
  11. That's nice that he gets naps. You know who doesn't? People who actually work for a living. But the Democratic party doesn't know anything about that. They prefer you not work so you have to vote for them to keep your welfare
  12. As long as he keeps his mouth shut he wins. With Trump that's asking a lot. They will look to twist and turn anything he says so better just to limit his posts and speeches from now on...which we all know he won't do
  13. Lol riiiight so these just all of a sudden unsealed after a bad debate. Sure. Could have been unsealed years ago but all of a sudden DJT is involved? Lol wow so desperate
  14. When Trump wins the Libs will burn down every city in the country. It will be January 6 times 1000. January 6000
  15. Trick question, he died 4 years ago and his woke ghost is haunting us
  16. Don't worry, I'll make sure they have wifi at the concentration camp they put you in so you can whine and complain to us about it
  17. I was anti Bush #2 and the "War On Terror" and I would be against Trump if he didn't put America first as well
  18. Trump will buy the Buffalo Bills and then trade Josh Allen for Tua straight up
  19. Yes I want King Trump who I have never voted for. Derp. I'd probably vote for RFK if I did vote or think he had a chance but the best chance to get out of this liberal hellscape is Trump for now. In 4 years it will be someone else thankfully. He is not a king and nobody wants that. The Left was the ones going after their political opponents and now they are upset because someone might go after them? Didn't they consider that beforehand?
  20. Arrest all of these goons. If you show up to a rally with a mask and riot gear then you are not there to peacefully protest
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