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Everything posted by K D

  1. he should get a pro personnel job. he just shouldn't be a GM
  2. yep Jeremy and Schopp need to go imo. get some people that know football in there. is that really asking too much?
  3. Ok but wouldn't you rather have a show with former players that is similar to the Instigator's show? Donald Jones does not count as a former player. He wasn't here long enough to get a cup of coffee. They might not be able to afford some of the better known players but there's tons of former players that were kinda sorta good that I would love to hear from. Look at how well Marcelus Wiley is doing now. We don't have anyone else from the past that is looking for a platform to start their career in media? I need more X's and O's and less cry babies that can't even answer the caller's questions
  4. we took a big step back losing Kromer. they should have retained him
  5. @CardinalScotts I agree that the nightcap show is better than both the morning and afternoon show. At least those guys are entertaining and it sounds like they are having fun! Schopp needs some prozac and a nice job licking envelopes at the post office perhaps. He's not suited to talk to people. I wish we could replace either the morning or afternoon show with a show like the instigators but with former Bills players. Now that would be awesome! Lorenzo Alexander wants to get into radio and I think he would be really good at it. He will play out this contract but they would be smart to ink him to a radio deal for when he's done! Totally agree Lorenzo, Kyle, and Fred in the mornings. Make it happen!!!
  6. The Bills players don't want to be here either so it's a wash
  7. That's fine, I'm not a public figure. When you work in the public and act like a jerk people will call you out for it. If you don't want to hear the opinion of former listeners then don't put yourself out there. Lots of other jobs in this world. Lots of know it all jerks at the dmv There's a whole thread about it so people in here must think so. It's not all bad, just 2 people that drive me nuts. 1 on each show. Maybe put them together so I can just skip that 1 show instead of tuning in thinking today might be better, getting frustrated, and turning it off
  8. What the heck are you talking about? This is a small town, we don't have choices. The choice is don't follow the Bills at all or follow them but have to deal with terrible radio personalities and terrible posters on forums. We don't have a choice. Are you going to start a thread too about how we should get a new team? We can't, we have the Bills. How dare we demand better from our team and our media! That's like a 300 pound guy that is like oh well I'm fat, too bad it is what it is. Actually you can improve. You can demand more in life and actually achieve it. As Bills fans it's ok to demand more. We don't have to settle for second rate.
  9. Brees single handedly ruined the Saints by being greedy. They had to get rid of everyone to be able to afford him. If I was a Saints fan I would be upset with him.
  10. He's been overrated from the start. He should have come out last year and made his money. He was a 1 hit wonder it seems
  11. Instigators is great. I don't even like hockey and I listen because it's fun and I love hearing them joke with each other and give inside stories from their playing days. Why can't we have a football show like that? Darryl Talley is so broke that we have to have fundraisers for him so why not give him a job? I'm sure there are others that could use the paycheck. Everyone else at WGR is completely expendable to me. Sal gives good insight but I prefer him reporting on the team rather than taking calls. Murph and Brown spinning their propaganda is getting tiresome. Schopp is the most miserable person I have ever heard in my life. How does that guy still have a job? I prefer the night crew because at least it sounds like they are having fun and want to be there. Schopp sounds like he sits at home in a dark room wondering if he should jump out the window or go into work, decides to go to work, kicks his dog on the way out, gets into road rage on the way, then we have to listen to how miserable he is for 3 hrs.
  12. We never get the top coordinators. When have we ever? We get the guys on the scrap heap after everyone else has already signed
  13. Jeremy is a pretentious dbag. I feel like WGR knows it but they never fire anyone so he feels like he can do whatever he wants. He comes off like such a prck. Him and Mike Schopp are the worst. They have little to no football knowledge yet they act like they know all and cut anyone off who disagrees with them. I even prefer the stoners at 7pm over those guys. At least they converse with people and let the fans put their 2 cents in. The other guys just ram their ideas down your throat and God forbid anyone ever disagrees. WGR is almost completely unlistenable at this point.
  14. Can we please have a Monday night game here? Remember the cowboys game? Epic. Even if we stink we still come out to play under the lights
  15. As of right now based on their play so far I'd have 1. Rudolph 2. Rosen 3. Darnold Could change but that's why they play the games. Rudolph has the size and is a senior with experience. He's gotten better every year. He doesn't play in an NFL offense but he has made a lot of full field reads and moves well in the pocket and has some scrambling ability. I would be happy if the Bills took him based on what I've seen so far. Looking forward to games later on in the season including Oklahoma game. Rosen is still my favorite (effortless throws remind me of Aaron Rodgers and form reminds me of Eli Manning) but he has done some things that make you question whether or not he's ready. 1 more year in school might be good for him. To go into the NFL and be a leader of men you have to have the maturity that he might be lacking. If drafted this year he would do well to sit for 1-2 years but we all know it never happens like that with top QB's
  16. Nah I'd rather take my chances on a draft pick on a rookie deal that are can keep for 10+ years
  17. Poyer is surprising me too. So far so good. Mvp of the team so far
  18. Wow you guys are missing the point. The point is the offense did NOTHING the rest of the game then you expect it to all to come down to 1 play and they actually execute? Did you not watch the rest of the game where they didn't? That game was embarrassing for the offense and it's not because of 1 play
  19. here you go, i hope you like my art skills. red is what Zay should have ran and yellow is what he ran. if he presses the safety look how much more room he gives Tyrod to deliver the ball. by cutting it off he shortens the area between the defenders and either one could realistically make the play. by pressing the safety high he has a ton of room if Tyrod throws the ball a little short not to mention it's much easier to make a catch coming back to the ball than it is falling away
  20. it's more about where the defenders are and there's a window Tyrod will throw to in a zone coverage. they wanted Zay to press the safety and then that gives Tyrod a bigger window to deliver the ball
  21. YEP! watch the game tape, he goes 100 mph every play
  22. this is very true. receivers have a tendency on slants and posts to cut it back in instead of staying high. once you beat a defender to the inside or outside you want to press him and get good body position. if the QB throws it short then you have tons of room to break it off if needed. as a receiver you feel like i need to get away from this defender but thats actually not what you want to do on the pattern itself, give the QB the room to make the throw to the open field.
  23. in yesterday's game it shouldn't have. only scored 3 points and 170 yards total offense? we deserved to lose regardless of the refs missing a call and Zay not making the catch
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