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Everything posted by K D

  1. They score more than they allow. That's usually how you win games
  2. You must have been watching cartoons when they were rioting and looting. We do have big problems. There's a lot of angry people on both sides with no end in sight
  3. He did what he needed to do today. He still can't put up 300+ yards in the air and keep up with teams like Atlanta and NE. He is what he is and this isn't any special performance that we haven't seen from him in the past. This is his ceiling and luckily we didn't need anything more from him thanks to the way our defense played
  4. Tre White became a man today. They went after him and he stood his ground. Nice effort indeed. And Gaines plays the zone perfectly.
  5. He played better than he has and did what they asked of him. Let's not get too crazy though. He only had 200 yards passing. Brady had half that on the final drive of the game alone. We will see next week that we still need a QB to keep up with teams that have one
  6. Haven't missed Dareus at all. Easy decision to dump him. Lorax has surprised me. I don't know how he's so quick for an old man that came into the league as an OL 12 years ago. It's pretty nuts. Poyer has been the MVP so far. Gaines plays the zone perfectly. Tre White held his own against the bigger Thomas today. Hyde has been the leader in the secondary and Kyle Williams up front and they have everyone playing really well. It's pretty crazy how quickly they have all come together and played so well so far
  7. I think sports should always be about politics. In order to win you have to debate the other team and liberals on Twitter get to be the judge
  8. I don't think they were ever really trying to get him. They threw him a low ball offer and he understandably turned it down. We weren't even a consideration of his. He was either going to Baltimore or Philly he said
  9. There's football being played? I'd rather talk politics all day
  10. Who listens to the pre-pre-game show? You should all be in church now anyhow!
  11. Oh there's a football game today? I'd rather listen to politics all day on my day off
  12. Mr Big Puff don't care. He gets his money either way! Thanks Whaley
  13. The Jags are better than the Bills. Now THAT'S depressing
  14. Rosen put up more yards in 2 games than Tyrod will by the bye week
  15. This was similar to my experience as a good athlete playing sports. Maybe I grew up sheltered but I didn't know racism in any form existed until I got older and started playing on high level aau basketball teams. There were only a couple white players from the suburbs and we were bullied and tormented because of the color of our skin. We were called every name in the book and intentionally fouled. The bus rides to games were hell. The tormenting and name calling was almost too much to bear. But apparently if you are considered white then it doesn't count. Black people can't be racist because their great great great great grandparents that they never met were slaves by people not related to me because my family is from Sicily and didn't come here until the 1920's. Oh and btw I'm 3% African according to my DNA test. How much do you need to have to not be a "cracker" because maybe the bullying could have been avoided if I knew that at the time. If everyone did their dna test they would see nobody is pure anything and we are all just homosapiens so who cares if someone has slightly different skin. Stop labeling people.
  16. Rosen has flawless mechanics. Watch his feet. He's so well balanced. That results in good velocity and accuracy
  17. Bills players having a meeting tonight to discuss a possible protest for tomorrow according to Rodak.
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