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Everything posted by K D

  1. Delete this thread immediately. Don't be a jinx
  2. If you thought before this season that Poyer was better than Byrd then you would be all alone in that assumption. Like I said, it has worked out well but nobody expected Poyer to play this well
  3. Nobody wants the chargers in LA. They barely wanted them in SD. This whole thing is a mess
  4. They said Brady on pace to be sacked 52 times. Fingers crossed!
  5. How many jobs do you need? I only need 1. Why would you need so many jobs per square mile? If you can't get a job here then that's too bad, sounds possibly like a personal issue. Not to mention you can live like a king here on a 6 figure income where in other cities you are just barely scraping by. I do very well here as do friends and family. The people that I know that have moved did so after college and it wasnt for job opportunities, it was more about seeing the world and finding their own happiness. Others have moved later in life for weather. And that's fine, good for them. I like it here. Maybe I'm naive to it or I've been lucky but I've literally never heard someone say I can't find a job here I'm going to have to move.
  6. growing up i had heard of mandatory group showers after gym class (not at my school but others) and that was probably traumatizing enough. then i heard about the nude swimming classes from my wife's step dad and i lost it. i wonder what the millenial generation did that seems crazy to the next generation. probably that i didn't have internet until i was in middle school and my own cell phone until i graduated high school. my cousin's 7 yr old has an iphone
  7. nothing about how he got hurt? i guess they edited that out
  8. his dad is our db coach and we decided to start a career backup in Poyer over him. worked out well but pretty bizarre we didn't at least give him a shot. unless he was asking for too much money or something. i guess we will see how much he is going to be paid by Carolina
  9. if he gets us to jump on a hard count i am going to walk right out of the stadium
  10. so we were the 3rd worst at the start and after 1 quarter of the season we are 3rd best? hmmm ok. i remember with Trent when we started undefeated we were ranked #1, which made it that much more heartbreaking when we didn't even make it to the freakin playoffs. just get to 10 wins and then we can talk about our ranking
  11. need to win the games we are supposed to win. that's where we failed the last few years. getting swept by Miami last year basically wrecked the entire season. you can look at the schedule and say oh that should be a win but unfortunately it doesn't work like that in the National Football League. any given Sunday, anything can happen
  12. last time i was at McFadden's i think Losman was the QB. wow, time flies. i saw like 5 people i knew from WNY randomly there too. awesome hangout for the game if you are in the city. glad to see the nycbb is still alive and kickin' after all these years!
  13. there's lots of high paying jobs. that myth is about as old as Buffalo gets a lot of snow. i used my snow blower 3 times last year
  14. When Bills traded with KC I said noooo they are going to AFC championship I don't want their 30th pick and people thought I was nuts
  15. How did he drop that? Jeez I was celebrating and I looked back and the ball was on the turf
  16. waiting for the Reilly has been promoted tweet. f5
  17. mmm yes this crow tastes good. tastes like chicken! i'm officially off the tank wagon. our defense is good! i BILLieve!!!
  18. 2 firsts for Sammy Watkins! Whaley would approve
  19. Reilly is coming up. McD said in the presser he would look to promote from the practice squad
  20. And I'm sure the Packers forum doesn't have a thread about how great Rodgers played. Some games you do what you have to without screwing it up. Defense won this game and Tyrod did what he had to do to not lose it
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