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Everything posted by K D

  1. Luckily it's their guy changing his name. Josh Steinfeld doesn't roll off the tongue quite as well
  2. Now we won't get them confused
  3. I think he is going to pick Vance from Ohio. He said he wants to pick someone who can take over for him once he's done and I don't think that's any of the other candidates. I think Tim Scott would have been an obvious choice if he was pandering for votes. I personally like Vivek and Tulsi. I think Vivek would be good as chief of staff
  4. Sounds good to me. Not sure how anyone could be against this. I like how it doesn't say who they are mass deporting. There's at least 3-4 people on this forum that we can add to the list 😉
  5. And apparently half of the country still plans to vote for him lol. I saw an article that said such and such poll said it's basically a toss up in terms of the popular vote. Luckily it's not about popular vote but electoral college and Trump is way ahead in swing states
  6. Jeez get off it man. You keep reposting the same fake stuff from Twitter. Don't you think if there was even a little bit to it that it wouldn't be on every left wing media channel 24/7? Use your brain
  7. How can Biden possibly win when half of his party has already said publicly that he's too old to do the job? If you vote for him then you clearly hate this country and should be deported by Dictator Trump
  8. Yes that's who you need to be scared of. I live in maga country and we don't even lock our doors around here. Scary stuff indeed
  9. She is so gross. Does anyone in the peanut gallery have anything good to say about her other than "at least she's not Trump?" She is an absolute walking trainwreck of a human
  10. It's only a conspiracy theory until it comes true I saw a tshirt that said "Noah was a conspiracy theorist...until it started to rain"
  11. Lol the lefties just figured out that the media lies to them. Holy crap, how do they tie their shoes and wipes their rear ends when they are this stupid?
  12. How braindead can the Lefties be? On one hand they are like "I think Joe is too old and needs to be replaced." On the other hand they are like "well he might be the best to beat Trump." It shouldn't be about winning an election, it should be about running the country. The Libs are showing in real time that they don't care about this country, they only care about keeping power
  13. Biden also said he doesn't remember if he watched the debate and he doesn't read the news because he's busy with all of the wars. Yes Joe, we know Also busy taking those after lunch naps and going to sleep by 8pm
  14. Lol what a joke this will be. If old Joe can't get through 15 min of pre-submitted favorable questions by democrat midget George Snuffleupigus then the Lefties are in big trouble
  15. We'll never know. It won't be on the news
  16. Today's a good day to go shooting. Everyone just thinks it's fireworks
  17. I love that we are at this phase of the Left's implosion
  18. The Lefties had their time to shine. Instead of coming out with common sense initiatives they pushed LGBTQ stuff, completely opened up the border and then gave illegals money, were mind numbingly easy on crime, called everyone racist, and funded 2 wars. So much for unifying this country. "But the MAGAs! Wahhhh." Most of us aren't MAGA (whatever that is) and we just want common sense decency but the Dems pretty much took a "you're either completely for us or against us" stance and now they are seeing all over the world that people will choose to be against them if it comes down to that. They blew it. Time to re-correct back to the middle
  19. You should probably stop posting fake stuff over and over. You have already lost all credibility and at this point it's just trolling and annoying
  20. Well it was fun while it lasted...now it seems like old Joe is digging in his heels and saying he's going to run. Just "jet lag and a cold" they are saying. Yes, my 90 year old grandma must have jet lag and a cold too
  21. I don't think that's people's concerns with her lol
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