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Everything posted by K D

  1. Of course and he also plays all 22 positions and is a good teammate and leader and has a charity that he supports. Best of all he is young and makes the league minimum. All of the above gives McBeane wet dreams at night
  2. Rosen mid round would be funny. Even Darnold as "top 5" is funny because those guys will be #1 and #2 because if the top team doesn't need a QB, that would be the type of draft where everyone will want to trade with them. I wouldn't be surprised if both stayed in school though and that will mean Rudolph moves up to a top 10 pick and maybe even Allen (I don't like him but scouts love him). Then Lamar Jackson would be mid round and Mayfield late 1st early 2nd. It will be interesting because do teams pass up sure thing pro bowlers like Barkley or Derwin James to reach for a QB? I know the Bills like the top 2 guys but who else do they like out of this QB crop? Would they trade up for Rudolph when he has never been under center? He has the size and arm strength though. How about Allen who has all of the tools but can't even put together a good season against small schools? Or do they stay put and take Jackson or Mayfield or wait until the 2nd for Falk? I think they want to take a QB but hopefully they don't reach for one if they aren't convinced that he is a franchise QB
  3. They want to trade Glenn to get younger and less expensive contracts. It's not about getting another equal player in return. They are looking for a draft pick and a young player on a rookie deal most likely
  4. guys do it all the time. play whole seasons with casts. he has a broken thumb and he's on defense, just tape it up
  5. no suspension for leaving the bench and getting into an altercation and then pushing a ref? they are setting a pretty bad precedent with that one
  6. interesting that Matthews is able to play even though he actually uses his thumb in the game whereas Humber you could just tape it up and give him a club. back in the day if you broke a finger they just taped it up and sent you back out there, you only missed a couple of plays
  7. Just something I came across from the beginning of the season
  8. as a right handed qb it is much easier to throw to your right. that's pretty obvious. until we get a larger sampling this is fake news
  9. here's a Rosen vs Darnold discussion:
  10. he's actually very athletic, would have been a pro tennis player if he wanted. top ranked as a teenager. he has done some bone head plays, especailly under pressure, but it's impossible to find a qb that hasn't. he is a little immature so he has room to improve and make smarter decisions. the mechanics are flawless and so if he can make smarter decisions he can be unstoppable. keep in mind he's still only 20 yrs old. also his team is absolutely terrible. he has had zero NFL receivers to throw to and maybe no other NFL prospects at all on that offense. by contrast Darnold goes to USC where pretty much everyone gets drafted. i'll see if i can find a film breakdown of him. i wish i had time to do one of my own but i'm not a youtube personality
  11. Wood or Groy should be at RG. this is maddening that Ducasse is their best option. and Dawkins needs to be at RT if Glenn is at LT, or vice versa. I mean this is just obvious. Fire Castillo if he doesn't realize that
  12. Rosen, best mechanics and quick release with cannon for an arm. Similiar to Eli Manning. If he comes out he will be gone top 2 for west coast offense (Dennison) you need someone with good footwork and quick release and that's Rosen. Darnold would be your next best option but he is staying in school and I don't like his low release. He throws it like a baseball and you can't do that in the NFL. Guys like Von Miller will bend the corner and slap it away every time.
  13. something fishy going on. the 2 players that voted for him were named Tim Jelly and Thad Jelly
  14. How is Lamar Jackson any better than what we already have with Tyrod? Same kind of player. We need a pocket QB
  15. You watch other teams and you feel good about this offense? I watch other teams and get jealous because they can actually pass the ball down the field. But hey we have a good defense so all is forgiven right?
  16. our best chance is they all come out and we can trade up and get one in the 10-15 range. the 3rd or 4th QB on this list would be as good as some drafts 1-2. I disagree with the order. I think it's Rosen, Darnold, Rudolph. I haven't watched Allen but what I know about his background is he may have the arm strength and size but he has never put it all together on the field so that is too much of a risk. i would not draft someone in the 1st round based on potential
  17. it better be at least a 2nd or I'd be upset. probably a 2nd and a player at best. nobody is giving up a 1st imo
  18. Mills should be working at General Mills, not anywhere near a football field. When him and Ducasse are in the game it is by far the worst right side of a line in the NFL. Castillo needs to be fired. The decline on the OL sticks out like a sore thumb along with the WR's. They let go 2 good coaches for 2 bad coaches. Makes sense
  19. i guess it makes sense to sign with the team on the other side of the bridge so you don't have to move. logistics
  20. why would you feel bad for Mabin? he almost single handedly lost that game for us, it was bad
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