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Everything posted by K D

  1. His backup just threw for 500 yards. QB controversy? Anyone still want to join the cult of the backup QB at Washington State? That's even worse than the Bills drafting the backup from Ohio State
  2. I doubt he plays if he didn't practice all week. Probably rest him and make sure he's ready for Thurs night since it's a short week I am. Raiders just lit up KC for 400 yards passing
  3. I watched so it was more interesting than anything else on tv! It would have been more exciting if it was 2 great offenses going back and forth. It was more of a oh no I can't believe Penn State is blowing this game type of deal. Half exciting, half cringe worthy
  4. I was entertained. I wasn't impressed by either team to be honest though. Ended up being a good game at the end because Penn State stopped playing. Hats off to OSU for sticking with it and fighting back and taking Barkley out of the game.
  5. Yuck that's a pretty sad list. Needless to say we will not be getting a HOF player out of the Dareus trade
  6. That's what happens when you play not to lose. Penn State stopped playing football. Ohio state hung in there so give them credit but c'mon anyone who watched that could see Penn State was playing safe not to lose and it backfired big time
  7. Cleveland is our cousins. We also have close ties with the Detroit Lions. That's nice of you to say but we aren't thought of in the same light as Green Bay. You guys have more in common with Pittsburgh or Kansas City
  8. Grier is bad. Rudolph didn't look too hot either. The good news is the Bills will have plenty of QB's to choose from, I just don't know if any of them are any good
  9. Hughes would be gone already if edge rusher wasn't such a highly prized position in the NFL. He does seem to be doing better this year. Maybe he's maturing. Tyrod, Glenn, Shady, Clay...our highest paid players are in their crosshairs. They said they highlight those players and at the end of the year they will analyze whether or not they fit what they want to do going forward. I think they would like to move on from Tyrod and Shady and get younger cheaper players in the draft. Clay is not a stereotypical TE. Doesn't have the size to be a good blocker. Plus he's what, the 5th highest paid TE in the league? That one seems like a no brainer. And Glenn has been on the trading block all season but apparently they are asking too much. Maybe they lower their demand after the season. As for older players, Lorenzo and Kyle Williams are on their way out. Lorenzo has shown he can't cover people and will be abused now that the tape is out there. He's a good leader and special teams player still however. I think he makes the team next year but not as a starter. I think either this year or next will be Kyle's last. He's been getting super emotional in his speeches so it makes me wonder if this is his last hurrah. Other players that just aren't good enough are Preston Brown, Jordan Mills, and John Miller. Easily replaced. Also the entire WR position will be a high priority. So in conclusion, it's a good thing we have a lot of picks in the next 2 drafts!!
  10. He will no doubt be a top 10 pick. Would you trade Shady and a pick to move up to get him?
  11. Wtf? I said we need to get a QB. How the crap did you get all that out of "our turn to get a QB"
  12. In addition to the draft picks I expect them to add no less than 4 Carolina Panthers players. This will be McBeane's players next year. Out with the old and in with the new
  13. Not sure what that has to do with what I said. They are unrelated.
  14. Ehhh maybe. He would have to be a big distraction for that to be the case and can't the captains keep him in line? The season is halfway done I feel like he could have helped us the rest of the way if you could get him in the right head space. Feels like a waste when this doesn't help us this season
  15. But why get rid of him this year at all? Why not after the season?
  16. What if he turns these picks into pro bowlers? Too early to tell either way
  17. I'm not sure why they HAD to trade him this year. Aren't we on the hook for his contract this year either way? I'm no salary cap expert but how does trading him now vs in the offseason help?
  18. no Gaines and no Poyer would be a tough pill to swallow when you know the strength of the other team is throwing the ball and they are coming off a game with over 400 yards through the air. i want to BILL-ieve but i'm struggling with this matchup. our offense is going to need to put up some serious points.
  19. i definitely see the players' view but i also feel like this day and age you say something and it can be totally taken the wrong way depending on who the audience is. you could say i was outside doing yardwork and i got my hands all dirty, look how black they are. and someone could say oh black means dirty to you? racist! everyone is so over the top sensitive that if i was in the NFL i wouldn't even want to talk to reporters. anything you say can be turned into a story
  20. oops! i forgot about ties. so it's 50-50-50
  21. slide with your foot out. if someone tries to hit you they get a karate kick to the face/nuts
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