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Everything posted by K D

  1. Lol as of that even makes a dent in their recent spending. They just gave like $90 billion to Ukraine!
  2. Only who they want with pre-approved questions. Disgusting
  3. This is officially an oligarchy. There is a ruling class running this country that we did not elect. And they want to tell us Trump is the threat to democracy? And we knew it the whole time and they called us far right wing racist conspiracy theorists
  4. Traitors, all of them. The media is complicit
  5. If he makes a pilgrimage to Mecca I hope he livestreams it lol
  6. Those capital gains taxes when they finally sell the Bears, Giants, or Steelers 🤯
  7. Either way, Alec Baldwin is a bad dude (just like Cornpop). If he ends up in jail don't feel bad for him. Look up his history of verbally abusing everyone he's ever met and you won't feel bad about this
  8. Wow, you answered all the questions!
  9. You are all cheap fake conspiracy theorists. Also everything you have said for the past 4 years has come true 🤔🤫
  10. Get the Trump vs Kamala polls ready. They are ramping up the Biden attacks as the numbers go down
  11. They are brainwashed. It's impressive how they all repeat the same msm talking points. They might as well record CNN and post it here instead of replying
  12. And here comes the personal attacks. They were given the green light. They are going to do whatever it takes to get him to drop out
  13. I bet George Clooney doesn't write a letter if those polling numbers were better. Scumbags. The pedos in Hollyweird are getting nervous
  14. Honestly I think that's coming in the not so distant future. Everyone will have to wear a hijab because it's not fair that some people are ugly and they will say good looking people discriminate. That and more pedo stuff. The left is sick with a mental disease that will never stop
  15. I'm sure they will double down on the woke crap. You will have to be a black trans jew to get a job and all white males have to pay 75% income tax
  16. Huh? It says we don't want communists, marxists, or jihadists. Are you saying that you do?
  17. The point was the other countries were relying on the US too much when he said those things. It's called negotiating. If you are braindead like Biden you are like yes we pledge all of our resources to NATO forever no matter what and then have everyone take advantage of us. All of the other countries in NATO added up don't have the military power that we do.
  18. So you are essentially voting for Kamala? Oh boy. What are her qualifications?
  19. If I was in the NFL I'd change my name to Coca-Cola for the right price!
  20. Biden: -faked his resume qualifications -plagiarized speeches -didn't want his kids growing up in a "racial jungle" -said people at convenience stores all have thick Indian accents -"Obama is the first clean articulate black candidate" -"if you don't vote for me then you ain't black" -"the big guy" gets his crackhead son jobs for kickbacks $ -prosecutes his political opponent Did I miss anything? Hardly a good guy. Dementia Joe has got to go! (to the nursing home)
  21. Luckily it's their guy changing his name. Josh Steinfeld doesn't roll off the tongue quite as well
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