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Everything posted by K D

  1. WWE fans know Trump wins. Hogan, Undertaker, Kane vs friggin Mick Foley and Bautista lol friggin hilarious
  2. Black Nazi Perv is the name of my fantasy football team
  3. Trump already said he's not running again. He's going to make America great and then retire. But I predict he will keep doing rallies just for fun
  4. Yep I stopped following him as he seemed pretty biased. I just want the facts whether good or bad. No use reading a bunch of your side is amazing polls only to be let down on election day
  5. Do you think that means Dems are conceding NC to try and save Virginia? That's how I took it
  6. Is she going to do a Puerto Rican accent? Leeesten papi, lemme say sumtin to joo!
  7. They won't need to cheat anymore. Their plan is to make the illegals all legal. They dropped hundreds of thousands of illegals into swing states and plan to give them free everything. They will be slaves to the system just like the black voters have been. It's the new slavery. The Dems are who they have always been.
  8. I think Rogan is playing with fire if he gives in to any of their demands. Make her do a 3 hour show at the facility like EVERY OTHER GUEST EVER. Why would he change just for her and then offer to just "get to know her as a person" without asking what we all want to know? - why did you let in so many illegals - why did you change your position on every policy - when did you know Joe was senile and why didn't you say anything - can you explain in detail your economic policy
  9. I don't speak pollster, can you explain what the "firewall" means? Does that mean the buffer of inner city votes that the rural areas have to overcome to win? So the R's need more than 380k votes to overcome the anticipated D lead due to them owning the cities?
  10. The R's were up big heading into the 4th quarter but the momentum is swinging the D's way at the 2 min warning. The R Orangemen have led for much of this contest and it seemed as though they just needed to run the ball to keep the clock moving. But they called a bizarre audible by letting their mascot take a snap and his pass falls incomplete and they will need to punt. The Big D Machine need the TD and the 2-point conversion but there's still hope for the returning champs. Of course they lost their starting QB when he somehow fell UP the stairs boarding the team plane and they have had to go with their undrafted backup QB that has gained controversy by kneeling for the anthem and suggesting that we need to defund the referees. The first Indian/Jamaican/Irish/Somolian/Martian backup QB in league history. And let's not forget the inspirational "Coach" Walz, their special needs waterboy who keeps yelling for the team to "run a mean pick 6." Bless his heart. Fans on both sides are going wild and this one should come down to the wire. Riot police are taking their positions outside of the stadium as fans from both teams have been known to get a little rowdy after their contests. Who can forget last season when some cooky Orangemen fans broke into the Machine's facilities and defecated on the special team coordinator's desk? Those silly guys, what a stinker! Let's take a quick commercial break. This game is sponsored by Pfizer and Bud Light.
  11. I like how all of the Puerto Rican voters have to be told by white people and celebrities to be offended. They are assuming they are all stupid and they are making a good case. Don't vote for us for our policies, vote for us because a comedian unaffiliated with the other candidate told a joke. They must not have much of a platform if that's the case. If you change your vote for this reason then you must have trouble tying your shoes. But I agree there are a lot of those types of people. Especially if your favorite celebrity is named Fat Joe or Bad Bunny The Dems don't give a crap about these people they just want to win. Pretty sad and embarrassing to be used like that like what they do with the black vote. "We know you are braindead so vote for us without thinking it's just what people with your skin color do always no matter what." That's super racist of them.
  12. Yea I'm not voting for that comedian either
  13. Now we know why Tampon Tim went back and forth over 30 times to communist China!
  14. Yes good point. I did think this was NV at first but it looks like Clark County, WA is also maga country
  15. Winning too big in Clark county. Lefties getting mad
  16. It's pretty much 50-50. When one side has all of the media, celebrities, corporations, and probably 3x the money and they are still tied with the other guy who they say is "literally Hitler" then it's time to examine your platform. 1. The fake news stuff needs to end. If Trump was so bad then we would see it for ourselves, they don't have to make stuff up. It just hurts their case and makes us not trust them for anything. They still haven't learned this after almost a decade of Orange Man Bad. 2. Enough with the cheating, make the elections so secure nobody could say otherwise and ship all of the illegals back. 3. People who disagree with you aren't racists or Nazis. We all just want the best for ourselves and this country. Stop with the BS rhetoric. 4. Stop with the DEI candidates. Go through the primary process and let the best candidates be your nominee for President and VP. When you say the only qualification for the VP is a "woman of color" I'll just assume they are not the best candidate and not want to vote for them. 5. I'm probably forgetting other things but the Dems had a chance to take the high road and they when confronted with someone who went low they decided to go lower and our country has never been more divided. If they came out with some common sense alternatives maybe they would make a better case. I won't get into actual policy because that's a matter of opinion and both sides think they are right. I don't care either way as long as they leave me alone and let me make a good living for my family.
  17. I hope for a fair and honest election and if Trump wins then let him do whatever he's going to do without the fake news and legal and impeachment stuff. He's not Hitler. Hopefully the Left takes the high road and tries again next time but I highly doubt it. In which case, maybe Trump and Elon need to clean house and maybe it gets worse before it gets better but less government swamp is for the better for both sides. The government should represent the people. Enough with this Nancy Pelosi type crap where they are in government for 30 years and have unbelievable wealth when they supposedly make 150k per year. They get rich and nothing changes. We want change. That's why we are voting Trump, for better or for worse. He's leading for a reason. Dems blew it.
  18. I really wish I could get back to that thought process. I didn't give a crap about elections before 2020 and honestly didn't know much of anything about politics in 2016. Those were happier times.
  19. So Kamala is for twerking in booty shorts and poll dancing? That's what Megan the Stallion did at one of her rallies. *Falling* crime, inflation, immigration. Yes because it was the worst ever so anything is better than worst ever. What a joke.
  20. I can't believe he did black face. He messed up. He should have done black hands and neck too
  21. Yea because they are responding to the fake news outrage. In a perfect world the media would cover the event in good faith and say 1 rogue guy said a stupid joke that didn't land with the audience and Trump came out and denounced it. And it would be the end of the story. I didn't see anything in the media about George Lopez saying Mexicans steal the day before at a Kamala rally. Wouldn't that be equally shameful if we are playing that game? Should be headlines in the newspaper too.
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