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Everything posted by K D

  1. False. Have you seen his wife? If you are a Browns fan, you have to have some reason to go to the games!
  2. Passed on Deshaun Watson, tried to get Garrapolo and failed, settled on Mccaron and forgot to call it in. Wow they just don't deserve to ever get a QB. Sometimes it's just not meant to be
  3. I could see this being the case. BB wants to deal TB knowing they can't keep both and Kraft kills it. Now BB and TB are officially a package deal. Once TB is done the Pats and BB are done. I love it
  4. I feel like I've heard his name brought up somewhere in one of the other threads
  5. Id cut those 3 knowing they will most likely clear waivers and be re-signed
  6. Won't start, will play. Easy to learn a handful of plays in time
  7. Schopp didn't take his medication again. thinks the Bills gave up too much and doesn't love the player they got in return. I can't even. Had to turn it off. Very sad that we can't even listen to sports talk in Buffalo without wanting to throw the radio out the window
  8. Benjamin can get Tyrod out of trouble. if all else fails just throw i up for grabs and KB will come down with it. no excuses now, Tyrod has some pretty talented weapons at his disposal when everyone is healthy
  9. I still can't believe this just happened. I want to jump in a pool of PROCESS and rub it all over my body. is that weird?
  10. McBeane...welcome to Buffalo! keep this up and there will be a statue in front of the new stadium with TRUST THE PROCESS stamped on it
  11. Tyrod has no excuses now. when in doubt just throw it up to Benjamin!
  12. we keep Glenn...for now. i think the Bills dangle him again pre-draft trying to acquire some picks. the good news is they are asking a high amount, so much so that Seattle thought that the T from Houston was a better deal
  13. haha i'm a sucker for adam sandler movies even though most of his recent ones are terrible
  14. what about Thompson? seems to have good chemistry with Tyrod. Tate has made some big plays too. seems like we all of a sudden have an abundance of WR talent
  15. he's in shape now, 2 weeks after the season i expect him to look like Marcel Dareus. hopefully our trainers can keep him in check
  16. have to make room for Benjamin on the roster. you can only carry so many WR's. who goes?
  17. do you guys think we cut Holmes now to get the 3rd comp pick? he seems redundant now
  18. told ya...McBeane trolling us hard. had this deal in the works the whole time i bet
  19. he is good...why the crap would Carolina get rid of him? is it because he's getting fat? hes a BIG target.
  20. WOW...anyone think we cut Holmes and others to get that 3rd back?
  21. you would think but not quite. to go a step further, we need to draft a QB from Michigan with the 199th pick. it's a pretty foolproof plan so i hope the McBeane's are hip to their game
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