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Everything posted by K D

  1. Signed off Denver practice squad to Saints active roster
  2. it's not over yet! if we lose Sunday THEN it's over
  3. they said the same thing about Johnny Football. pretty much word for word
  4. Landry left his feet to hit AW in the head and ended his career. If Seymour did that to him I wouldn't feel bad
  5. it's such a simple play and Tyrod makes it look so hard. if that's him, he is ducking and scrambling around and then trying to chuck it down the field. he's not running the easy play he tries to make everything look spectacular. consistency is making the easy play time and time again and marching down the field and controlling the clock. Tyrod simply can't do that
  6. anyone with a pair of eyes knows that Peterman is a better QB. Tyrod is a better athlete. totally different discussion
  7. Tyrod is a bad QB. In other news, Thanksgiving will be on a Thursday this year
  8. No fg's or extra points either imo. Make every team go for 2 and TD's. How about the QB throws the punt? That would be kind of fun
  9. Won't matter, they will just run the ball down our throats and as long as they keep Tyrod in the pocket and make him "be a QB" we have no chance
  10. This team's success was built like a house of cards. If we get turnovers at an unsustainable level then we will win. If we have the best defense in the entire league and limit mistakes on offense then we will win. Well when those things don't happen then guess what...you don't win!
  11. you have it backwards. starting Peterman would be trying to save the season. starting Tyrod is giving up on the season
  12. If the next game involves Tyrod option to Tolbert I'm going to throw the TV out the window
  13. Wow a QB that actually knows how to drop back, plant, and throw. You know...what they teach you when you are in pop warner! Don't give me that crap that it was garbage time. The entire second half was garbage time and Tyrod couldnt complete a pass past the line of scrimmage. He is a gimmick. Not a real QB. Peterman doesn't have the best arm but at least he runs the play as called.
  14. Please tell me any of you watched the Denver offense last year and said wow I wish we could look like that. Not sure what you expected with Dennison and Tyrod combo
  15. Bon Jovi bought it and is moving the forum to Toronto
  16. in other news, Milano out for the season with frostbite!
  17. is it just me or does anyone else get the feeling that Miko Grimes probably beats her husband? he just stands there and takes her crap and doesn't say anything back. i think he's scared of her
  18. I added the show afterwards too which unfortunately was only 30 min and it left me way short. Bummer
  19. My DVR stopped with 3 min left. Sounds like I missed a good ending
  20. when you feel overconfident you take things lightly or don't prepare as well as you should. it's human nature. i do it all of the time because i'm lazy and i try to cut corners whenever possible and it often gets me into trouble. the Bills players felt superior because they were reading into the hype and feeling good about a playing a team they already beat once. they were banged up after a tough opponent and thought they could skate by this week and rest up for next week against a much tougher team. when you preach 1 of 11 and the 1 doesn't do their part then the other 10 suffer. but it was very evident that not just 1 but most of the players were taking last night off. absolutely no energy. i turned the game off after the Jets scored in the 3rd quarter. if they weren't interested in playing then i wasn't interested in watching.
  21. Wait until you have been here 10 yrs and you will feel the same
  22. They didn't...because it was a trap game. Sore from a tough game they worked hard for, thought they could get by with minimal effort, got their butts handed to them on national TV. Classic trap game scenario
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