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Everything posted by K D

  1. the only people we were confusing with Rex's defense was our own players!
  2. As sad as it may be, we are all now Steelers and Patriots fans (except the 2 games we play the Pats).
  3. Peterman throwing 49 is faster than Tyrod throwing 100 because Tyrod waits until the receiver is open to throw thus allowing the defender to close in. Peterman anticipates and the ball is already in the air when the receiver breaks open
  4. I was not looking forward to going to the next home game but if Peterman shows something in the next couple of weeks I might have something to look forward to again
  5. and there you have it...Peterman = Eli Manning! SUPER BOWL!!!!!
  6. Dennison was probably pulling his hair out watching Tyrod. he dials up the play and then Tyrod can't even execute it and then Dennison is the one that looks bad. although, there have been some questionable calls so Dennison is not totally off the hook. anything involving Tolbert has pretty much been a bust so please stop calling those
  7. SUPER BOWL. Brady did it so why not Peter Man?
  8. People are saying why make the move now and it's my belief that they think they are going to need to pass more this week to beat Philip Rivers and the Chargers. All of the receivers are healthy now so let's see what he can do
  9. Sal C said Josh Reed told him there were rumblings that Peterman was going to start but neither were able to confirm the story prior to the announcement so they couldn't go public with it. That's good to see that those involved with the team aren't leaking these details to the media/public anymore
  10. They won't do it because it might hurt someone's feelings. Wahhhhh
  11. he could play well and the defense could allow 300 yards rushing and we lose so it's hard to say
  12. Schopp is a scrub. he is always miserable so that's not a surprise. let me know when someone who knows something about football has an opinion
  13. probably because in high school they don't run a pro style offense so they go to a college that runs a similar offense that they already know and have done well in. there's not a lot of QB's coming through the ranks that play the traditional drop-back style offense. most of them are in shotgun running spread offenses or some kind of misdirection with roll out type passes. pocket passing is a lost art and it's effecting NFL prospects
  14. it is a small sampling but you can see he has the instincts, the footwork, the anticipation, the poise. the arm strength is questionable but he will have a chance to prove that. also keep in mind, throwing at the correct time makes your arm look stronger than it is because the ball is there when it needs to be regardless. i'm excited to see how he plays on Sunday
  15. your wife/gf/significant other? then again you have all of these dogs named after bad football players so there's a good chance you are single
  16. Tyrod is his best friend on the team so that is understandable. i think once he realizes this could be a good thing for his rushing stats he will be on board
  17. Tyrod has been a class act. He won't have any trouble finding another opportunity in this league
  18. If it's a marketing decision then we all know who is behind this
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