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Everything posted by K D

  1. Literally do WHATEVER it takes to get Rosen. There are only good pocket passers like that every 5-10 years. Don't mess around. Both 1st's and our extra 2nd might get it done. Make it happen
  2. looks like there is still a very good chance the Bills could get in at 8-8. Colts, Dolphins, Dolphins could be the 3 wins but I'm not confident we could even beat those teams. we will probably split with Miami
  3. I hope so. We might be able to get a QB if that's the case
  4. You can get good RB's in the 4th round these days. No thanks. Also, if Dennison is still here I would be absolutely shocked
  5. they should have hired a czar and then went back to Florida and sat back and watched like everyone else. they are too involved and understandably they have no idea what they are doing. Pegula is good at drilling holes. nobody expects him to also be good at running sports franchises. they did try to hire Polian and he turned them down. they at least had a discussion with Coughlin. not sure why they didn't try to get anyone else. they hired a coach with zero head coaching experience at any level. then they hired the GM which seems backwards. maybe if they had the GM before the draft they would have been able to pull the trigger on one of the QB's. Both Watson and Mahomes were available and look a lot better than anything we have. now they are forced to draft a QB this year and by the time they pick there might not be any that they like. 2 more years of this and we will be back starting from scratch again. i hope before then they wise up and get someone to run the sports side of things and they back off.
  6. Mike McCoy is available from Denver. McD's first choice in OC. I wonder if Dennison is coaching for his job the next couple of weeks and if things don't improve he's out
  7. That explains a lot. My grandpa gets confused sometimes too Just kidding of course. But specifically what I was referring to was that the Pegulas are very much hands on. More so than most owners. They personally pick the coaches and GM's and even some of the players. Most owners just hire a president and let them do that kind of stuff because they admittedly don't know anything about sports. The Pegulas would be wise to do the same.
  8. I thought we needed football players. I was way off
  9. Pegulas are too close to the teams. They need to back off and hire professionals. God bless them but they are clueless. And why wouldn't they be? He made billions drilling holes. Nobody expects him to know about how to run a pro sports franchise
  10. As per McD interview on WGR, they will wait as to name the starter for competitive reasons. If I'm KC it doesn't matter, I'm preparing for Tyrod and if it's Peterman then good luck
  11. The QB will. They need to pick a QB to be the face of their franchise. That QB will be tied to this regime and their success depends on his success
  12. I told people that and I got roasted. I wish I could look back and see who the 2 dummies were that were talking smack. Denver is a mess for the same reasons we are. No QB
  13. The OP is a poser. As if you or anyone else knew what Peterman would be. Tyrod was terrible so they gave Peterman a shot. Peterman was even worse. Put Tyrod back in. Who cares. Both QB's are bad and neither will win with this defense so what does it matter? The coach had some guts and decided that anything would be better than what Tyrod was doing and he discovered he was wrong. At least didn't just sit back and go down without a fight. Are they just supposed to sit back and watch Tyrod pass for 50 yards in a game? Get a clue and stop trying to act superior because if it went the other way you wouldn't even be posting
  14. Peterman has his mba he will be fine. He can get a nice desk job. If he invests his rookie contract he can make a nice return
  15. That's what I've been saying since last year and nobody listened.
  16. They won too many games yet again. Too many to get a QB, not enough to make the playoffs. Forever mediocre!!!!
  17. Rest assured that it wouldn't matter who the QB is. This defense is once again getting roasted
  18. Why are we covering Allen with LB's? He's killing us
  19. Why are the refs always 100 years old? I feel bad when they get hit.
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