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Everything posted by K D

  1. Both of our 1sts gets us into the top 5. Trouble is finding a trade partner willing to move down
  2. Joe Webb and run the option every play like the military academies
  3. Could you imagine being Darnold and Rosen now? One of you will get to play in NYC with Odell Beckham Jr. The other goes to the suck factory that is the Cleveland Browns. What a gamble if you are trying to decide whether or not to come out. If I was them I would pull an Archie Manning and say that there's no way you sign with Cleveland if they take you so don't even think about drafting me
  4. Tyrod is a 3000 yard passer with Jerry Rice, Randy Moss, and Tim Brown. He is what he is. When you can't anticipate and throw receivers open then you aren't going to be successful in the NFL. Separation at this level does not happen often and when it does the window closes so fast it will make your head spin. If the ball isn't there on time it doesn't matter if for a brief second the receiver gained the edge. The best QB's will throw the receiver open and put it in a place that only they can get it. When they are covered, they aren't covered. With someone like KB, you lay that ball up there high and to the outside and let him grab it like a rebound. Surely they will be adding a speed guy this offseason but to say the current receivers aren't good enough is a myth. They have all been successful in the past and will continue to be in the post-Tyrod era
  5. that would not be a Whaley type deal because Whaley failed to get a QB. he traded up for a WR in the deepest WR draft in history! a Whaley move would be trading up and drafting anything but a QB
  6. Whaley wanted to build a PIttsburgh team here. Didn't happen. Our players are soft
  7. the Gronk stuff starts at 5:35 into it for those that don't want to click through it trying to figure it out And I agree, should have been 2 games considering that it resulted in a brain injury to our best DB. If someone did that to Brady they would be done for the season
  8. Darnold will want to stay in school, develop, and go for a national title and heisman. he loves school, is the big man on campus, and has a lot left to play for. there's no way he comes out, especially with the Browns picking 1st and the threat of them taking him. top QB coming out will be Rosen. i could see the Giants trading up to grab him
  9. karma. Burfict had it coming. Brady, Gronk, Amendola all have it coming in a few weeks. Landry next week
  10. We don't know what we have at WR because we don't have a QB that can get them the ball. I've read a lot of nonsense about how Tyrod doesn't have anyone to throw to and that's why he is so bad. Oh really? Because he had Watkins and Woods last year and they are doing great now in LA. Hogan was tearing it up in NE before his injury. Before anyone condemns the WR's please first look at the person whose job it is to get them the ball!
  11. that's why we need to play these backups and practice squad guys now and give them a shot. we might have a diamond in the rough and not even know it
  12. PETER MAN mixed with some Joe Webb option plays. Also play more of the backups and practice squad guys and see if any of them are any good. We obviously blew it with Eric Lee so let's give these guys a shot
  13. he could now have permanent damage to his brain. the back of your head is the most vulnerable part of your skull. for all we know he could now have a bloodied and bruised brain and a death sentence for a life of living with CTE. and we are wondering if Gronk should be suspended? he should be in jail
  14. even if TT is healthy I hope they say they want to be "cautious" and let Peterman and Webb play. let Tyrod heal up so we can trade him for Denver's 7th rounder
  15. We want SF to lose out and we need to lose out and hope KC keeps losing. SF is going to franchise tag Garrapolo so that is the ideal trade partner. Give them both 1sts and a 2nd and we can get Josh Rosen.
  16. Not sure why he said anything to the ref. At that point the game is over so I don't know why they all didn't beat the snot out of Gronk. They are all pointing like hey throw a flag. As if a flag is going to help when the game is over
  17. Anyone know their address? I'm asking for a friend
  18. You guys have Rogue, I'm surprised a G&G can even stay in business there
  19. One of the dirtiest plays I've ever seen and it happened to our #1 corner who may now be out in the middle of a possible playoff hunt. If you want to hit Gronk where it hurts then please join me in boycotting their family business, G&G Fitness. I doubt many of you fatties shop there anyhow but if you want a treadmill or a home gym then please take your business to Pacillo's or Craigslist!
  20. It's better than baseball. It's football and its legal to hit people
  21. Trade Tyrod after this game for Denver's 7th. Maybe we can get a special teams player out of it or something worthwhile. Id play Peterman and if he sucks then go to Webb
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