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Everything posted by K D

  1. So when someone disagrees with what you think you call them names? Classy. You sound pleasant. Trading those other players were not popular moves either but this regime has shown they want to get rid of the high paying salaries and get younger.
  2. Tyrod can do some things other QB's can't, but he can't do the things that most QB's can.
  3. He's 30 and makes 9 mil per. If there's a team dumb enough to trade with us for him then it'd a no brainer. We can get a starting RB in the 4th round and Cadet has looked pretty good as a backup. RB's aren't good anymore in their 30's
  4. Zach Brown is dumbbbb. "I'm always head hunting." Yikes bro. Next time there's a questionable call you better believe you are getting suspended now!
  5. have we had 2 good halfs of football in a game all season? we would need our 2 best halfs of the season combined to even have a chance
  6. yes you can find talented players outside of the 1st round. but VERY RARELY will you ever find a QB outside of the 1st round!!! don't give me the Tom Brady, Russel Wilson, Dak Prescott nonsense. that's like winning the lottery. the vast majority of good QB's were high 1st round picks. now we will not get a top QB in a draft year where there are a lot of good QB's because we once against went .500 +-1 game. the only way will be if we trade away all of the picks we accumulated to move up
  7. he is good! i'm very very impressed and i'm not easily impressed. it's not often that a rookie can get off the bus and be a #1 lock down type corner on an NFL team so quickly. if he doesn't win it then he's going to be a close 2nd imo. plus we got an extra 1st when we traded down to get him. score!
  8. Good point. They want 1 majority (BILLIONAIRE) owner. As the team values go up and up this will eventually be harder to achieve with 1 owner but I doubt they change the rules now for P Diddy or Snoop Dogg! If they want a team their best chance is the NBA
  9. none of these guys on their own have enough money. *IF* a bunch of rappers banded together to try and buy a team let's not forget that they would need to be approved by the league. you can have enough money and still not make the cut.
  10. i'm not saying it's impossible. i'm saying this is our best chance and it seems doable. let's make it happen!
  11. you won't find anyone looking for realistic possibilities in here. there are still people on this forum that think we can beat Brady at home with the playoffs on the line. there are a lot of dreamers on this forum. i'm more realistic. this is the only way we are getting in. know it, accept it, hope and pray for it
  12. They are going to spank you and put you to bed early on Sunday. No desert for you!
  13. Hit to QB's head is a penalty no matter if it was intentional or not (considering his history I'd say it was)
  14. Call in and try and say anything negative about the team (there's obviously a lot from the past 20 years or so) and Murph will go off the rails. He is way too much of a homer. You need to be a little bit unbiased to be in the media imo. He's just spitting propaganda over the airwaves and it does get tiresome
  15. I'd throw to him more ONLY if he agrees to wear gloves
  16. Good chance he's gone this postseason. He will most likely have just as much time at his next stop as he had here. He will be honored by the Eagles after all is said and done. Didn't play here long enough
  17. simple as this to get in: Titans lose to Jax in week 17 Chargers need to lose either 1 of the final 2 (Jets, Raiders) This is assuming we lose to Pats but beat Dolphins of course. This is the most realistic scenario. Anyone that thinks we are beating the Pats at their place keep dreaming.
  18. Even after they called the play the wheel route would have been wide open. Nobody in the corner of the endzone. Nobody even covered the RB at all so fake it or not he was going to be open. Nice defense Packers
  19. He needs to learn how to be more physical and to go and get the ball. You have to have the mentality that "that's my ball" and go up and snag it at it's highest point. He's much bigger than the corners so why is he getting out physicalled and waiting for the ball to fall in his hands instead of going up and grabbing it? He's playing like a scared little kid against men
  20. That lady better hurry up and get home. It's almost dinner time and her husband is going to be hungry!
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