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Everything posted by K D

  1. His value goes up as a playoff QB. Even more if they win a very winnable game next week! Might be able to get a mid round pick for him if a team is desperate enough
  2. NY took 2 TD's away from us in a row. No conclusive evidence means call on field stands. Thank God that guy isn't on a jury for a murder case. "Yea he probably did it, hard to say. Guilty!!!!"
  3. Preston Brown has been the worst player on the defense for the past 3 seasons and I will be happy to see him go
  4. Josh Rosen will be in the hall of fame...if he wants to be. Not sure if he does. Best QB prospect since Andrew Luck. But he might get a concussion and get freaked out and about brain damage and quit. He doesn't need the game, has money, highly intelligent, other interests. Does he have the desire to be the best? What is his motivation? Everyone needs something to drive them. If you watch the Elite 11 program (it's on YouTube) he said he was using football to meet people and pay for school. He was the #1 QB in the country and surprisingly he didn't say "I want to be the best ever." I think if he gets picked by Cleveland he will lose interest and flame out and do something else with his life and be just as happy
  5. i hate to say it but i feel the same way. the biggest day in the past 17 years for this team you would think people would be more excited
  6. seems pretty quiet around here considering what's at stake today
  7. Don, do we have any info on the draft board and who they like in round 1? Will they trade up or take 2 players in the 1st?
  8. DD is a multi millionaire but he lives in Dunkirk and shovels his own snow? no offense but if he went to high school in the 60's and is admittedly a big guy then i think he should spend some of his millions and at least get a snow blower if not a plowing service. shoveling snow is really dangerous especially for men of a certain age. google it, it's scary stuff . i pay for a service for my grandpa for that very reason. DD be careful out there! all of my money is in bitcoins
  9. that would be a pretty quiet rushing title. i'm surprised he's that close. he's done some good things but for the whole first half of the season we couldn't do anything in the run game
  10. I still think Darnold is a future franchise QB i just think that A) he stays in school this year and B) at the next level he's going to be more of a Alex Smith than a Tom Brady
  11. these predictions are pretty vague. "east of buffalo" for the stadium is pretty amusing because west of buffalo is lake erie so i'm fairly confident that DD will be correct with that prediction!
  12. we need a veteran QB to start. the rookie will be waiting in the wings and hopefully won't have to play at all in 2018. because of that, you are obviously not trading away your entire draft to move up to get one of these guys. we are not rebuilding and starting from scratch so that would be counter-productive. 3 QB's will be off the board before we even pick. that brings us to the 2nd tier of QB's. based on his size and success in college, Mason Rudolph in the 2nd round makes a lot of sense. he will be the 4th or 5th QB off the board and i would take him over 2-3 of those guys anyhow. he provides the best value and those other guys are going to be projects too so go for the guy with the size and maturity.
  13. Josh Rosen is the only NFL ready QB in the draft. he will go #1. I've been telling you guys for 2 years now. his mechanics are flawless. he makes some dumb throws that he will need to learn not to attempt. you can fix that. you can't drastically change mechanics like coaches and scouts want you to believe. maybe MINOR changes if you work hard at it and get it into your muscle memory but once the bullets start flying and you have a 300 pound DE running full speed at you, you revert back to the way you've always done things pretty quickly. i'll take the guy with the best mechanics every time over a project with poor accuracy, mechanics, or arm strength. with Allen they see a guy that SHOULD be a good QB but guess what, he's not. he's never been a good QB at any level. if you think he's all of a sudden going to get more accurate once he gets to the NFL then you are nuts. if he can't complete passes vs East Podunk University then he's not completing passes against the Seattle Seahawks db's. he's a 3 year project that i don't think will ever pan out. Darnold has a wonky release. every game i've watched of his he has had a strip fumble because he has the ball low and to the side. NFL players know to go for that ball every time. he does have good size and a quick release but there's no way they are fixing that arm angle. i see him as a game manager at the next level. he will stay in school. he wants a championship and a heisman. he is young and has a lot left to accomplish. perhaps if we don't get someone this year he will be a consideration for us next year. he should be the consensus #1 QB on the board by then though. Mayfield is a midget. he's listed at 6'1" but there's no way he is even 5'11". he was the same size as Flutie on the heisman stage and Doug is in his 50's now so he's probably even shorter than he was when he was playing. he has spunk and he's exciting so I know a lot of people like him because of that, but he's going to have a really tough go of it at the next level and given his mental makeup is he humble and hard working enough to work through it or is he going to lose it like Manziel and whip people off and grab himself and escape the pressure by partying too much? too many red flags with this guy. he wouldn't even be a consideration for me in the 1st round but some team will be desperate enough to take him, i just hope it isn't us. Lamar Jackson, just say no. we have had 3 years of Tyrod and this would definitely not be an upgrade. he's built like a toothpick and he's a running QB. he might be exciting when he scrambles but he doesn't have the accuracy to be a pocket passer. you can't run away from guys in the NFL like you can in college. everyone is fast and athletic. running QB's never last long at the next level. you take too many hits and you are done (RG3). he would be a pretty good WR. maybe he will eventually change like the Ohio St QB's have in the past. Rosen is the clear #1. he will go to Cleveland or NY. out of who i would want for us, i would say none of the above. go to the senior bowl, work with Mason Rudolph, see if there is any way he could work under center. i just think he is too similar to the Jets backup QB's and he has a long way to go before he can start in the NFL. i would expect us to draft someone as a project plus get a veteran that can start right away so as far as projects go I don't think there is much of a difference between Allen and Rudolph except that Rudolph has had success at the position and will be a better bargain as a 2nd round pick.
  14. what a shame. hopefully the Baltimore fans have dinner reservations and can't make it to the game
  15. You guys are funny. Darnold is staying in school. If you are watching this game you will see why. He has a long way to go and a lot left to accomplish. Rosen is ready now, day 1 starter. Nobody else in this draft is as NFL ready. I also like Rudolph over Allen
  16. I'm sure your car will still be there after you get back from the game...maybe.
  17. 1 hit wonder on a very good team. No thanks. Reminds me of the 1 good year Fitz had with us so we signed him to the big contract that he could never live up to because he's not very good.
  18. Oh we are just supposed to give up. Gotchya. Do you ever watch football? So when it's 2nd and 25 you should just get the punter ready right? Handing the ball off up the middle to a FB/fat running back that's good for 1-2 power yards is the worst play I could think of in that situation. The defense is going to give you 10 yards underneath every time in that situation. You throw a crossing route under the coverage and pick up half of the yards to make it a manageable 3rd down
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